BBB 24 party has a peaceful atmosphere between ‘fairies’ and ‘gnomes’ and talks about strategy and wall – Zoeira

BBB 24 party has a peaceful atmosphere between ‘fairies’ and ‘gnomes’ and talks about strategy and wall – Zoeira
BBB 24 party has a peaceful atmosphere between ‘fairies’ and ‘gnomes’ and talks about strategy and wall – Zoeira

The last Leader’s Party of BBB 24, with the theme “Fitness Vintage”, was marked by conversations about the participants’ love lives, unusual rapprochement between enemies, as well as many conversations about game strategy and rivalry.

Two days after starring in a serious fight in sincere, Davi, Matteus and MC Bin Laden danced together on Wednesday night (27), drawing reactions on social media. The moment happened during the recording of a 1980s-style “clip”.

In conversation with Alane and Beatriz, Isabelle spoke about getting closer to Matteus and answered whether she would stay with her brother in confinement: “I don’t know. […] I like dancing with him, playing with him.”

Lucas talks about “agreement” with his wife

Lucas Henrique spoke to Giovanna and admitted that he doesn’t know what life will be like after the program. The capoeirista also revealed an agreement he made with his wife, Camila Moura, before confinement. He still doesn’t know that she has already announced her divorce.

“If I don’t win the prize, I need urgent work because the money I had was until March. April, it was like: ‘Camila, add up everything you will receive on the 25th, save it to use in April so you can at least least be able to go until May and find something to do'”.

“I don’t have photos to sell, music, anything. I have to build it from scratch, and that takes time”, said the teacher.

Davi warns about opponent strategy

In conversation with Matteus, Davi said that the Top 10 is a “risky moment”. “As much as they are coming with smiles now at the end of the game to try to trick me… But I know it’s a game strategy, that won’t work with me”, he warned.

Afterwards, in conversation with Isabelle, the app driver asked her sister to prioritize herself. “You’re here on Big Brother looking to be champion, so you don’t want to put yourself in fourth place, in fifth place. Put yourself in first place”, said the Bahian.

Chat about Paredão

Pitel and Lucas Henrique talked about organizing the brothers from Quarto Gnomo for the next Paredão. The social worker listed the participants she would like to face in the hot seat: “If I’m at Paredão I want to go with Matteus, because of the friction, or with Isabelle”.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: BBB party peaceful atmosphere fairies gnomes talks strategy wall Zoeira



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