10 tourist destinations to visit

10 tourist destinations to visit
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Goiás is a state full of charms and stunning landscapes, which attract tourists from all corners. Whether for those looking for adventure on trails and waterfalls, or for those who wish to marvel at the historical richness of colonial cities, Goiás offers a diversity of options for all tastes.

In addition to the best-known tourist destinations, such as Pirenópolis and Caldas Novas, there are also less explored places that hold incredible surprises. Small villages hidden in the middle of the cerrado, quilombola communities that preserve their ancestral traditions and natural corners are just a few examples of what Goiás has to offer.

In allusion to National Tourism Day, the More Goiás prepared a list of 10 cities in the state that are true treasures. Check out.


Pirenópolis, located approximately 120 km from Goiânia and 150 km from Brasília, is famous for its waterfalls, trails, stunning views and rich traditional culture. The destination is one of the most sought after by tourists exploring the wonders of Goiás.

Tourism is the main economic activity in the region, boosting the local economy. In addition to the natural beauty, Pirenópolis has developed a complete infrastructure to welcome its visitors, with a variety of inns and restaurants that cater to different tastes and styles.

Rio Quente

Rio Quente was once a district of Caldas Novas and therefore also has great prominence in thermal water tourism, housing the famous Rio Quente Resorts. Considered one of the largest thermal water complexes in Brazil, the property also has the Hot Park, a prominent tourist attraction in the country.

Another of its highlights, Praia do Cerrado is the largest artificial beach with naturally warm waters in the world and one of the resort’s main attractions.

Caldas Novas

Caldas Novas is widely recognized for its thermal waters, which form the largest hydrothermal spring in the world, attracting more than four million tourists annually, both from Brazil and abroad. Classified as the fourth most visited tourist city in the country, Caldas Novas is also notable for having the largest hotel complex in Goiás.

In addition to the thermal waters, the city is home to the Serra de Caldas Novas State Park, which offers trails and waterfalls, promoting ecotourism and adventure tourism. Furthermore, Caldas Novas is the stage for large-scale national events, such as Caldas Country, one of the main country music festivals in Brazil.

City of Goiás

The city of Goiás, recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 2001, is famous for its baroque architecture, cultural traditions and natural beauty. With a population of around 24,071 inhabitants and a territorial area of ​​3,108,423 km², the city hosts cultural events such as the National Environmental Film and Video Festival (FICA) and the Fogaréu Procession. It has several museums, historical monuments and unique local cuisine. The best time to visit is between May and September. The city offers waterfalls, trails and is an ideal destination to explore history, culture and nature.


Aruanã, located in the Vale do Araguaia region, is recognized for its stunning natural landscapes and rich local culture, the city attracts visitors in search of leisure and entertainment.

Standing out for fishing tourism, Aruanã is the stage for the meeting of the Vermelho and Araguaia rivers, offering a variety of fish, such as tucunaré and pintail, being an important destination for sport fishing. Nautical tourism is also popular, with activities such as boat trips and jet skiing. Rivers, beaches and a peaceful atmosphere attract tourists, while the presence of the Karajá indigenous village adds an ethnic element to the tourist itinerary.


Formosa, located 80 kilometers from Brasília and 282 kilometers from Goiânia, had its origins in the 18th century, when Goiás was part of the captaincy of São Paulo.

The city is known for its numerous waterfalls, with emphasis on Cachoeira do Itiquira, with an impressive 168 meters of free fall. Other famous spots include Lagoa Feia, six kilometers long, and Lajedo, which forms large natural pools. The region is also home to the Gruta das Andorinhas, Buraco das Araras and the Rio Bandeirinha, which forms several waterfalls. EcoBocaina offers Cachoeira dos Reis Magos, Cachoeira da Palmeira and viewpoints overlooking the Paranã Valley. With 42 archaeological sites cataloged by IPHAN, the city stands out for the Sitio Arqueológico do Bisnau and Toca da Onça, both on private properties.

The city is recognized by sailing practitioners as one of the best places in Brazil to practice the sport. Cross country flights are possible throughout most of the year, with the long-haul flight season generally running from August to October, with distances exceeding 500,000 km.


Caiapônia, located 318 km from Goiânia, is recognized for its natural beauty, such as Morro do Gigante Adormecido and its various waterfalls.

Among the best-known waterfalls are Cachoeira de São Domingos, Cachoeira da Jalapa, Cachoeira da Samambaia, Cachoeira do Sereno, Cachoeira da Abóbora, Cachoeira do Rio Verdão, Cachoeira do Rio Bonito, Cachoeira da Santa Márcia and Cachoeira do Pântano, among others. In addition to the waterfalls, the region has hills, such as Morro do Gigante and Morro do Peão, and several mountains. In the urban area, Lago dos Buritis is one of the main attractions, where several city festivals are held, such as the Zé Pereira Carnival and the May Festival (Barraquinhas).

Alto Paraíso de Goiás

Located a few kilometers from the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park, Alto Paraíso stands out for its natural attractions, such as the National Park and several waterfalls, such as São Bento, do Cristal, Almécegas I and II, Loquinhas, São Vicente, do Segredo, Raizama , Macaquinho, Carioquinhas, Anjos e Arcanjos, and Muralha, there are also urban options, such as Avenida Ary Valadão Filho, Praça do Skate, Praça do Bambu, Praça da Rodoviária and the Alto Paraíso Airport Runway. The quilombola village of Moinho, balloon rides offered by private companies, gastronomic festivals, cultural and musical attractions complement the city’s entertainment offering.

The city is also known for esoteric tourism, attracting visitors interested in holistic studies and UFO observation.


Cavalcante, located 500 km from Goiânia, is home to part of the Kalunga community, within the Kalunga Historical Site and Cultural Heritage, including Vão de Almas, Povoado Engenho (Engenho II, etc.), Tinguizal, Fazenda Ema and Vão do Moleque. Its main tourist attractions include several waterfalls, such as Rio Prata, Santa Bárbara, Capivara, in addition to the various waterfalls at Veredas Farm and Ponte de Pedra. Despite not having access to its territory, Cavalcante is home to around 60% of the total area of ​​the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park.

The city is also notable for the presence of quilombola communities, which preserve Afro-Brazilian culture and welcome visitors interested in learning about their traditions, such as cuisine, music and dance.

For ecotourism enthusiasts, the region offers several ecological trails, which allow you to explore the rich biodiversity of the Cerrado and enjoy stunning landscapes.

It is worth noting that, as in any area of ​​environmental preservation, it is essential to follow visiting rules, preserve nature and follow the instructions of local guides to ensure the preservation of the ecosystem.


Corumbá de Goiás, located 110 km from Goiânia, is part of the Integrated Development Region of the Federal District and Surrounding Area. Its main attractions include the Corumbá River, one of the state’s important waterways; Salto Corumbá, which houses the largest waterfall in the region, within the Salto Corumbá Camping Clube Hotel tourist complex; the Salto Corumbá Viewpoint, part of the Cora Coralina Path; the Mirante do Cristo; and the city’s Historic Complex, with its buildings preserved by IPHAN listing, including the Cine Teatro Esmeralda, the Church of Nossa Senhora da Penha de França, Praça da Matriz and the Memorial dos Imortais, among others.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: tourist destinations visit



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