News: SEF/SC provides guidance on issuing electronic invoices


Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 12:15 pm.

Santa Catarina and most other states in the country use the Rio Grande do Sul Virtual Secretariat (SVRS) system to authorize notes.

The State Finance Department (SEF/SC) informs that services involving the authorization of electronic tax documents necessary for taxpayers in Santa Catarina continue to operate. Santa Catarina and most other states in the country use the Rio Grande do Sul Virtual Secretariat (SVRS) system to authorize notes.

Due to the heavy rains that hit the locations where the Rio Grande do Sul servers are installed, the Virtual Secretariat announced that the operation of some services was transferred to the cloud technological environment. With the change, some adjustments to users’ network, internet and proxy settings may be necessary. The National Contingency Environment was also activated for NF-e authorization.

For taxpayers in Santa Catarina who have difficulties issuing the invoice, the recommendation is to check whether they have a configuration in their environment that limits internet communication to the IP addresses of data centers, such as, for example, a firewall rule that restricts communication. The taxpayer must also activate the contingency function in their software or contact the company providing the software for further guidance.

All communications, configurations and rules must point to the services’ URL addresses (not IP addresses). The address (URL) remains unchanged and must be from the domains or

Availability of notes

The notes issued by the Sefaz Virtual environment are temporarily unavailable for consultation on the NF-e national portal and will be shared on the portal as soon as the service is reestablished. Therefore, taxpayers must use the DANFE printed in their own software.

If the company needs the note to be on the NF-e portal (in export situations, for example), it is recommended that it issue the note using the contingency function in the national environment.

If you have any questions, you can consult the Finance Customer Service Center (CAF) on 0800-048-1515 (opening hours from 1pm to 6pm).


Rosane Felthaus (48) 3665-2504
Roelton Maciel (48) 3665-2504
[email protected]

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: News SEFSC guidance issuing electronic invoices



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