In which month are the most children born in Santa Catarina?

In which month are the most children born in Santa Catarina?
In which month are the most children born in Santa Catarina?

The new round of data from Civil Registration Statistics, released by IBGE, maintains March as the month with the most births in Santa Catarina. In 2022, the reference year for the update carried out by the institute and released last week, there were 8,890 children born in the third month of the year. The advantage was 127 births over May, second place in the state ranking for months.

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Santa Catarina’s statistics regarding the months with the most births do not show significant differences in relation to the country’s average data: the period in which the most children are born is between March and April. It was like that last year and in previous periods. If the numbers of births in the last decade (2013-2022) were added, March leads the State, with a slight advantage over May and April.

There is no consensual explanation among experts regarding the greater number of births in the period between March and May. This period is around nine months after winter. At the other end of the birth ranking, the last three months of the year have the lowest numbers. In the period between 2013 and 2022, November had the lowest number of births, followed by December and October, also according to IBGE Civil Registration Statistics.

Live births in SC between 2013 and 2022

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March is in the lead

March 87,967
May 87,039
April 84,683
July 82,068
January 81,571
June 80,817
August 79,387
February 78,592
September 77,957
December 77,449
October 73,112
November 71,909

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: month children born Santa Catarina



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