Women earn 29.4% less than men in SC

Women earn 29.4% less than men in SC
Women earn 29.4% less than men in SC

Women win 29.4% less than men in the state of Santa Catarina. This is what the 1st Salary Transparency Report already published in the country with a gender focus.

The document, presented by the Ministries of Labor and Employment (MTE) and Women, contains data extracted from information sent by companies with 100 or more employees, a profile required by law to present data to the Federal Government.

In total, 2,692 Santa Catarina companies responded to the questionnaire. Together, they add up 915.1 thousand employed people.

The requirement to send data complies with Law No. 14,611, which provides for Equal Pay and Remuneration Criteria between Women and Men, sanctioned by President Lula in July 2023.

The pay gap between women and men varies depending on the major occupational group. In Santa Catarina, in positions of directors and managers, for example, the difference reaches 38.7%.

In terms of race, the report points out that the number of black women is much lower than that of non-black women in the companies in the survey, with a record of 68.1 thousand It is 322.1 thousandrespectively.

Furthermore, black women receive, on average, 23.1% unless non-black women. Between black and non-black men, the difference in average pay is greater: 24.8%.

The Report also presents information that indicates whether companies have effective policies to encourage the hiring of women, such as flexible working arrangements to support parenthood, among other criteria seen as encouraging women to enter, stay and gain professional advancement.

In the case of Santa Catarina, the report recorded that 48.1% of companies have job and salary plans, 32.6% adopt policies to promote women to management and management positions, 25.4% have policies to encourage the hiring of women and 18.4% adopt incentives for hiring black women.

Few companies still adopt policies such as extended maternity (or paternity) leave (13.4%) and daycare assistance (20.2%).

Currently, only 15.3% have policies to encourage the hiring of LGBTQIAP+ women, 19.9% encourage the entry of women with disabilities and only 4.3% have specific programs to encourage the hiring of women who are victims of violence.

National scenario

In Brazil, women earn 19.4% less than men, according to the 1st Salary Transparency Report. In total, 49,587 companies responded to the questionnaire, almost 100% of the universe of companies with 100 or more employees in Brazil. Of these, 73% have been in existence for 10 years or more. Together, they add up to almost 17.7 million of employees.

How to access

All data is available for consultation on the Portal Emprega Brasil – Employer website. Companies have until March 31st to publish their individual report on the portal or on their social networks, always in a visible location, ensuring wide dissemination to their employees, workers and the general public. Those who do not make the information in the report public will be fined 3% of the value of the sheet.

Companies will have 90 days to present a mitigation plan, that is, to reduce the differences highlighted by the report. Employees who want to report inequalities can access the site.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Women earn men



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