Bolsonaro and Lula appear technically tied in a simulated dispute for the Presidency

Bolsonaro and Lula appear technically tied in a simulated dispute for the Presidency
Bolsonaro and Lula appear technically tied in a simulated dispute for the Presidency

247 – An electoral survey carried out by the Paraná Pesquisas institute, at the request of the Progressistas (PP) party, brought to light intriguing numbers about a simulated presidential race in 2024 – the next election for president will only take place in 2026. Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and the president Lula (PT) appear technically tied in the survey, reports Veja magazine.

According to the survey, in the main scenario, Bolsonaro leads with 37.1% of voting intentions, while Lula is close behind with 35.3%. Considering the margin of error of plus or minus 2.2 percentage points, the two are technically tied. The study also reveals the presence of other candidates, such as former minister Ciro Gomes (PDT), with 7.5% of voting intentions, minister Simone Tebet (MDB), with 6.1%, and the governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Eduardo Leite (PSDB), with 1.8%. Furthermore, 8% of those interviewed stated that they would vote blank, null or none, while 4.2% did not know or did not want to answer.


Bolsonaro demonstrates an advantage over Lula in several segments of the electorate, including men, voters between 25 and 59 years old and those with higher levels of education, such as high school and higher education. However, the biggest difference is among evangelicals, where Bolsonaro leads with 50% of voting intentions against 27.3% for Lula.

On the other hand, Lula has an advantage among Catholics, voters with primary education or over 60, young people aged 16 to 24 and women. He also leads in the Northeast regions, while Bolsonaro stands out in the South, Southeast and North/Central-West.


In a second round scenario between Bolsonaro and Lula, the former president maintains a small advantage, with 41.7% of voting intentions against 41.6% for Lula. In this case, 11.4% of those interviewed would choose to vote blank, null or none, and 5.3% did not know or did not want to answer.

The survey, which interviewed 2,024 voters in 162 municipalities in 26 states and the Federal District, was released by senator Ciro Nogueira, national president of the PP, the party responsible for commissioning the survey.


It is worth noting that Bolsonaro, at the moment, is prevented from contesting elections, as he was declared ineligible by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) in actions that investigated abuse of political power in official events during the year 2022.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Bolsonaro Lula technically tied simulated dispute Presidency



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