Deputies criticize former senator after speaking about neo-Nazi cells in SC

Deputies criticize former senator after speaking about neo-Nazi cells in SC
Deputies criticize former senator after speaking about neo-Nazi cells in SC

Deputies criticize former senator after speaking about neo-Nazi cells in SC

Repercussion 1 Former senator Ideli Salvatti was heavily criticized by deputies in the Legislative Assembly for associating SC with neo-Nazi cells in a speech given at a Catholic event on Sunday, in the city of São Paulo. Massoco, from PL, suggested that the Legislature consider her “persona non grata” to the green-belly State. She received favorable asides from two others. Others more […]

Repercussion 1
Former senator Ideli Salvatti was heavily criticized by deputies in the Legislative Assembly for associating SC with neo-Nazi cells in a speech given at a Catholic event on Sunday, in the city of São Paulo. Massoco, from PL, suggested that the Legislature consider her “persona non grata” to the green-belly State. She received favorable asides from two others. Others demonstrated, indignant, in front of the silent PT bench. Representative Luciane Carminatti, who doesn’t seem to die in love with Ideli, preferred to celebrate in plenary the 20 years of the State University (Udesc) in the West that she, with more than recognized efforts, managed to bring to the region.

Repercussion 2
Faced with the predictable repercussion, Ideli went public to say that what he said was, in his personal version, taken out of “context”. She lacks humility. The demonstration she made, attacking the people of Santa Catarina, although with a strong dose of truth, was out of context. There was not the appropriate place. She gave a flag (materialized in video), free of charge, to those who don’t like the PT to use in the election campaign, and for a long time.

Praise for the action of Senator Esperidião Amin in relation to the long-awaited Road Contour of Greater Florianópolis. Without it, the delay would probably be much greater than the 12 years already completed. He was informed yesterday that delivery of the work is finally confirmed for July 31st. And until then, if not him personally, his office will continue to monitor everything, weekly, through reports and drone flights.

Always attentive to any fact that discredits “conservatism” and Bolsonarism in SC, the big newspapers (Folha and O Globo, in particular) have shown no interest, at least until now, in reporting on the pornographic class that a teacher gave to students from the 1st grade of high school at a state school in Chapecó, a fact made public in the Legislative Assembly of SC.

The band Planet Hemp, who performed at a skateboarding event in Criciúma, Saturday, after mayor Clésio Salvaro (PSD), threatened to cut off the stage’s power if the group made any apology for drugs and sex, decided to make fun of the episode. On social media, one of the vocalists posted a photo together with one of the electricians assigned to the cut with the caption “our closing”, to say that, despite everything, the ending was happy.

Only the lack of common sense and a little understanding of the reality in which small farmers in SC live can explain the violence that the Military Highway Police inflicts on these people, fining their agricultural machinery when moving from one field to another. Where do you want them to travel? Beyond the atmosphere?

Red Tulip
In the coming weeks, the state Legislature is expected to approve a bill establishing Red Tulip April, a month dedicated to raising awareness of Parkinson’s disease. It also establishes that the beautiful flower is a state symbol to identify people with that illness.

Honoris causa
Udesc yesterday awarded the title of honorary doctorate to the Argentine artist, researcher and professor Vilma Villaverde, in recognition of her contributions to the area of ​​arts in Latin America and the world. The event was also marked by the inauguration of the public art work “Aurora”, created by the honoree, in the courtyard of the Arts Center.

Workplace safety
A survey by the Occupational Safety and Health Observatory reports that the cities of Joaçaba and Luzerna had the highest number of notifications of work accidents in 2022: 245, with four deaths in the first and 60 records in the second, respectively. In SC there were 46.8 thousand that year. The data is from the INSS.

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Tags: Deputies criticize senator speaking neoNazi cells



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