In a salary campaign, Sintaj points out a 54% loss in civil servants’ salaries and demands inflation replacement

In a salary campaign, Sintaj points out a 54% loss in civil servants’ salaries and demands inflation replacement
In a salary campaign, Sintaj points out a 54% loss in civil servants’ salaries and demands inflation replacement

The Union of Auxiliary Services Servers of the Judiciary of Bahia (Sintaj) started the 2024 salary campaign. The category demands that the Court of Justice of Bahia (TJ-BA) dialogue with the state government for salary replacement, review of the Plan of Positions, Careers and Salaries (PCCS) and improvements to Planserv.

According to Sintaj, the mobilizations will take place until the deadline of April 22, following the 60-day deadline requested by the president of the TJ-BA, judge Cynthia Maria Pina Resende, to present a counterproposal.

“Our base date is January, so far the court and the state government have not signaled anything regarding the linear adjustment. And we also have on the agenda the PCCS, the project for the new Positions and Salaries Plan that we aim for the court to present to the Legislative Assembly to compensate for inflation losses”, points out the general coordinator of Sintaj, Adelson Costa Oliveira.

To date, as the union leader highlights, no bill has yet been sent to AL-BA, nor has a forecast for its forwarding been given. “The court has autonomy, independence to send, but it doesn’t send. Always, by tradition, he gets used to being the governor, so he waits for the governor to give orders. This creates a loss for us. For example, last year we only received this in the second half of the year, and it was retroactive to February, with our base date being January; Now we are already entering April, we haven’t even talked about it yet.”

The PCCS aims, as the general coordinator of Sintaj explains, to compensate for the loss of inflation and reduce the difference in remuneration between judicial technicians and analysts. “Precisely because of this assumption of obligations that the technician ended up assuming, many analyst functions, so, in return, we reduce this salary difference which today is from 40% to 25%”.

According to Oliveira, there have been eight years without an adjustment and salary losses reached 54% during this period, citing data from the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (Dieese). “So, purchasing power was reduced by more than half. The salary is completely out of date due to this repetitive lack of replacement for inflation losses,” he states.

“Everything has gone up and our remuneration has stopped, and today we work for five, six servers. There is also a lack of servers and we have been taking on assignments without new people being added. Today the court is unable to replace those who retire and many colleagues who have difficulty retiring because those who retire today lose 40%. Imagine earning half of what you used to earn, having 30, 35% in payroll, owing loan sharks and still losing 40% of what you have when you retire?”, criticizes Rodrigo Ferreira de Uzêda, a court employee.

Sintaj points out that there is no negotiation table open or proposed by the state government.

Parallel to the salary campaign, Sintaj works with other associations and unions representing other categories of public servants in Bahia to carry out the State Mobilization Day. The date of the action is scheduled for April 18th, with the possibility of stopping functional activities. On the agenda, the linear adjustment and Planserv, with requests for improvement and restoration of the employer contribution to 4%.


Currently, Sintaj confirms that 7,118 employees are active at TJ-BA and 3,992 are retired. Of the total assets, according to the union, 30% are already eligible for retirement.

In comparison with other Courts of Justice, Sintaj presents data published by Dieese that places the TJ-BA in 21st place when it comes to the basic salary of mid-level civil servants, R$ 3,725.10, and in 19th place for those with higher level, R$6,111.82, for a weekly workload of 6 hours.

Regarding benefits for civil servants, the TJ-BA is in 14th position when it comes to food assistance – a value adjusted from R$ 1,700 to R$ 1,900 per month in 2024. As the survey highlights, the Court does not offer transport, daycare assistance and medication, nor bonuses for dangerousness or risk to employees.

As for commissioned positions, the union points out the existence of 542 and another 494 vacant positions in the Bahian court’s staff.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: salary campaign Sintaj points loss civil servants salaries demands inflation replacement



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