Roraima’s main river, Rio Branco records second biggest drought in history | Roraima

Roraima’s main river, Rio Branco records second biggest drought in history | Roraima
Roraima’s main river, Rio Branco records second biggest drought in history | Roraima

1 of 11 Severe drought leaves Rio Branco without water and beaches form in its bed — Photo: Ronny Alcântara/Rede Amazônica
Severe drought leaves Rio Branco without water and beaches form in its bed — Photo: Ronny Alcântara/Rede Amazônica

The Rio Branco, Roraima’s main river, reached minus 39 centimeters this Monday (25) and is facing the second biggest drought in history. With the water level low, the scene is of rafts and canoes on the sand, fishermen adrift with no way to navigate and people crossing the river on foot.

This March’s mark is second only to the drought in 2016, when the Branco River reached minus 56 centimeters and faced the worst drought since monitoring began in 1972, 52 years ago, by the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico) ( ANA), operated by the Geological Survey of Brazil.



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