Average salary for women is almost R$300 lower than that of men in the private sector in AL, according to report | Alagoas

Average salary for women is almost R$300 lower than that of men in the private sector in AL, according to report | Alagoas
Average salary for women is almost R$300 lower than that of men in the private sector in AL, according to report | Alagoas

1 of 1 Women earn 11.1% less in the private sector in AL, according to the federal government — Photo: Agência Brasília
Women earn 11.1% less in the private sector in AL, according to the federal government — Photo: Agência Brasília

The average salary of women in the private sector in Alagoas is almost R$300 lower than that of men, according to the 1st National Salary Transparency Report released this Monday (25) by the Ministries of Women and Labor and Employment (MTE) .

While men receive an average of R$2,611.33, women’s average salary is R$2,322.70, which corresponds to a salary difference of R$288.63.

Black women are paid even less than white women. Their average salary is R$2,204.65.

According to the document, the pay difference between men and women is 11.1% in Alagoas. In positions of directors and managers, the difference reaches 28.5%.

The median hiring salary for women is R$1,250 and that for men is R$1,344.79, which shows that their median salary is R$94.79 lower than theirs.

The median hiring salary for black women is R$1,243, while for white women it is R$1,320.

The survey was carried out with 408 private sector establishments with 100 or more employees, until March this year.

According to the government, the majority of companies that submitted the reports are 10 years or more old. Together, they have 157,284 employees.

  • The requirement to send data is included in the law on equal pay between men and women – sanctioned in July last year.
  • The rule establishes that companies that fail to comply with equal pay rules will have to pay a fine equivalent to ten times the salary of the person discriminated against. The text also establishes equal treatment based on race and ethnicity.

Ministry of Labor defines new rules for equal pay between men and women

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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Average salary women R300 men private sector report Alagoas



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