AF | Status | Unprecedented agreement provides for the implementation of 8 high and medium complexity centers in the interior of the State

AF | Status | Unprecedented agreement provides for the implementation of 8 high and medium complexity centers in the interior of the State
AF | Status | Unprecedented agreement provides for the implementation of 8 high and medium complexity centers in the interior of the State

Tocantins News – The Public Ministry of Tocantins (MPTO) and the State of Tocantins reached an agreement regarding the installation of regionalized services of high and medium complexity in the area of ​​social assistance, in a court hearing held last Thursday (21/03).

On that occasion, an action plan was approved, presented by the State, which provides for the implementation of three Regional Specialized Social Assistance Reference Centers (CREAS) it’s from five Regional Foster Care Service units for children and teenagers.

The main objective of regionalization is to guarantee the provision of high and medium complexity services in the area of ​​social assistance in small municipalities, which do not have the individual capacity to install and maintain these structures. In the health area, regional hospitals have been implemented since the 90s, but in the area of ​​social assistance, to date, these regional equipment have not been implemented.

In the public civil action that requested action, prosecutor Sidney Fiori Júnior assessed that the absence of these services in multiple cities in Tocantins prevents children and adolescents at risk, away from their families of origin, from receiving the necessary psychosocial care. In some cases, these children are welcomed in shelters far from their cities and their social sphere.

The prosecutor explained that the main objective of the action is to demand that the State of Tocantins implement these services in regional centers, and that each one has its respective scope. On average, each hub will involve around 11 municipalities. In total, there will be 13 regional hubs to serve all municipalities in the State by 2028.

The implementation of regionalized units will be the responsibility of the State Department of Labor and Social Assistance (Setas). Each municipality is responsible for paying the host family’s allowance, only during the period in which they are, in fact, welcoming a child or teenager. All other expenses are borne by the state entity.

The action plan establishes the implementation of regionalized CREAS in Gurupi, Axixá and Wanderlândia in the years 2024 and 2025, in addition to Foster Care Services. The State already has other units installed, however, after the installation of these three units, there would still be around 30 unassisted municipalities. To meet them, the State of Tocantins committed to presenting a new action plan within 12 months, to serve all municipalities in the State by the year 2028.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Status Unprecedented agreement implementation high medium complexity centers interior State



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