3 tips for eating chocolate healthily at Easter

3 tips for eating chocolate healthily at Easter
3 tips for eating chocolate healthily at Easter

Easter is coming and, with it, the encouragement to enjoy the holiday by enjoying delicious chocolate. However, before you indulge, how about getting to know the different types of sweets that exist? According to Camila Junqueira, coordinator of the Nutrition course at Faculdade Anhanguera, the practice helps not to make mistakes when purchasing and benefits your health.

Knowing the types of chocolate helps you choose the best option for your health

Photo: BearFotos | Shutterstock / EdiCase Portal

“The term light, for example, indicates that the product has a reduced content of at least 25% of a certain ingredient. The version diet It doesn’t contain a gram of sugar, but it doesn’t necessarily have less calories. By removing sugar, to add flavor to the food, the amount of fat is increased. Therefore, it is only recommended for diabetics”, explains the professional.

Below, Camila Junqueira recommends healthy chocolate options for you to enjoy Easter with balance. Look!

1. Dark chocolate

Some types of chocolate are more recommended for certain age groups. “The bitter version is a great option for older adults and the elderly, for example, as it contains cocoa flavonoids, which are bioactives derived from plants from the plant’s seeds, which act directly in reducing blood pressure and pumping the blood to the brain, improving the human cognitive system. Ingesting 30 grams is ideal”, explains professor Camila Junqueira.

50% cocoa chocolate is recommended for those who like milk chocolate more

Photo: Dean Drobot | Shutterstock / EdiCase Portal

2. Chocolate with cocoa 50% and 70%

The professional also recommends ingesting the bitter product with 70% cocoa, but, for those who are used to the milk version, types that have 50% cocoa in their composition are established as a great option. “Being careful with the quantity, paying attention to the nutritional composition and avoiding exaggeration are essential tips for those who want to have a pleasant and healthy moment”, he says.

3. Recommendations for children

In the case of children, the expert states that it is not recommended that children under three years of age consume chocolate. “From this age onwards, daily consumption should not exceed the equivalent of one small tablet. The tip is to make substitutions such as swapping the egg for a new toy, a book, a trip to that place the child has always wanted to go, etc.; These are some ideas that can be put into practice at the time to eliminate the desire for sweets”, concludes Camila Junqueira.

By Bianca Lodi Rieg

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: tips eating chocolate healthily Easter



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