No Rest for the Wicked creators do not sell the studio to avoid its closure

No Rest for the Wicked creators do not sell the studio to avoid its closure
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Recent news about Microsoft Gaming closing several production studios has shaken the video game industry, raising questions about the future of independent studios. In the midst of these events, the executive director of Moon Studios, Thomas Mahler, made statements of great impact.

Mahler revealed that he never sold Moon Studios to avoid the company’s closure, citing past experiences and the negative impact that acquisition by large publishers can have on smaller studios.

Mahler made his statements at an opportune time, echoing concerns about industry consolidation and the challenges facing independent studios. He shared his perspective, based on his experience during the 1990s when he saw what happened to smaller studios after they were acquired by major publishers like Electronic Arts.

By highlighting his decision to keep Moon Studios independent, Mahler made a point of showing his belief in the importance of creative autonomy and preserving the studios’ identity. His stance reflects a growing trend among independent creators to resist takeover by large companies, seeking to maintain control over their projects and avoid potential negative consequences.

Mahler’s words serve to remind us of the challenges faced by independent studios and the need to protect diversity and innovation in the sector. His decision to keep Moon Studios independent is an example of his commitment to creative freedom and long-term sustainability.

“To everyone who has been bugging me for years about why we didn’t allow Moon Studios to be acquired by a major publisher…

That’s why.

I lived through the 90s and saw what happened when smaller studios were acquired by EA. Never again -


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