Is Realme Note 50 good? See price and technical specifications of the cheap cell phone


The Realme Note 50 was launched worldwide in January, but only arrived in Brazil in April 2024. It is an entry-level model with modest specifications, but has interesting features, such as the “mini capsule”. The feature uses the notch space to insert notifications and important information. The cell phone also embarks on the trend of using Artificial Intelligence (AI), focusing on photography with AI. The brand’s objective is to win over consumers who are looking for quality photos.

Launched with a suggested price of R$699, the Realme Note 50 currently has prices starting at R$660, for the version with 64 GB of storage, and can reach R$769, for the 128 GB option. The smartphone is available in blue and black colors in online retail stores. The prices were verified during the month in which the matter was investigated, in April 2024. In the following lines, see the complete technical sheet of the Realme Note 50 and its characteristics in detail.

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2 of 10 Realme Note 50 is available in black or blue and looks like a high-end cell phone — Photo: Disclosure/Realme
Realme Note 50 is available in black or blue and looks like a high-end cell phone — Photo: Disclosure/Realme



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