Protagonist of the crisis in Americanas never returned from Spain

Protagonist of the crisis in Americanas never returned from Spain
Protagonist of the crisis in Americanas never returned from Spain

The charges against Miguel Gutierrez are not light. He remains in Europe, like so many others before him who found a safe refuge in the old continent.

March 28, 2024, 9:36 am

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247 – In the plot of business pages, there are those who show their faces and there are those who prefer to disappear, literally. Miguel Gutierrez, the former CEO of Americanas, chose the second option. He ran the company for two decades, the Rio native packed his bags and left for Spain while investigations continued in Brazil.

The charges are not light. An internal investigation commissioned by Americanas itself pointed directly to Gutierrez as the mastermind of a scheme that led the 95-year-old retailer into judicial recovery, leaving thousands of employees without jobs.


The words exchanged in the statements are like pieces of a puzzle. Gutierrez directly involved shareholder Beto Sicupira in managing the company’s accounts, together with other majority shareholders, in the business soap opera.

The defense did not lag behind. He called Gutierrez’s strategy a “completely delusional and victimistic narrative,” a desperate attempt to confuse public opinion and cover up his own mistakes.


But while the dust settles, the mystery continues. Gutierrez remains in Spain, like so many others before him who found a safe haven in Europe. Meanwhile, past stories of legendary escapes are remembered. It is as if Gutierrez’s saga was mixed with the myth of other fugitives from Brazilian justice, such as the Spaniards Faustino Puertas Vidal and Avelino Rivera, who escaped unpunished after the disaster at Bateau Mouche IV.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Protagonist crisis Americanas returned Spain



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