Curitiba opens flu vaccination for all priority audiences from Monday


Curitiba opens, on Monday (1/4), the 2024 flu vaccination campaign for all priority audiences defined by the Ministry of Health. In total, 665 thousand people in the capital of Paraná are part of this group.

Photo: AEN

The target audience was defined by the Ministry of Health: children aged 6 months to under 6 years, people aged 60 or over, pregnant women, postpartum women (women who have had a child within 45 days), health workers, primary school teachers and higher education, indigenous people, homeless people, security and rescue force professionals, armed forces professionals, people with chronic illnesses, people with permanent disabilities, truck drivers, public transport workers and port workers.

The expansion of vaccination to all priority audiences occurs with the availability of new doses of the vaccine by the State Department of Health (Sesa). This Wednesday (27/3), Curitiba received 143 thousand doses of the vaccine. Last week, the municipality had received, in the first shipment, 66 thousand doses.

The vaccine will be available, from Monday (1/4), in 104 health units for people aged 12 and over who belong to the selected groups. For children called up, the vaccine will be available in 103 health units. Check the addresses and times on the Imuniza Já Curitiba website.

Health workers in the municipal network have been receiving the vaccine directly at their workplace since last Monday (25/3). And since this Wednesday (27/3), self-employed health workers or those working in hospitals and other establishments have been receiving the dose at the Regional Nursing Council of Paraná (Coren-PR), at Rua Professor João Argemiro Loyola, 74 , at the Seminar. Vaccination for healthcare workers, at Coren, is carried out from 8am to 12pm and from 1pm to 5pm, from Monday to Friday (except Good Friday, 3/29).

Vaccination guidelines

The flu vaccine offered by SUS is trivalent and protects against the influenza B strain, influenza A H1N1 and influenza A H3N2. The vaccine is contraindicated for children under 6 months of age and also for people who have had a severe anaphylactic reaction to previous doses.

To be vaccinated, you must present an identification document and documentation that proves your inclusion in one of the priority groups.

The Municipal Health Department (SMS) also advises that other overdue vaccines can also be updated along with the flu vaccination.

“This is a great opportunity to get vaccinated against the flu and also against Covid-19 for those people who are also part of the priority audience for this vaccine and have not yet received the anti-Covid booster dose in 2024”, says the municipal secretary of Health from Curitiba, Beatriz Battistella.

The SMS advises that, as far as possible, avoid seeking vaccination in the most central units, where movement is greater, and prioritize the others. The SMS also advises users to arrive at least 15 minutes in advance before the health unit closes to receive any vaccination.

Priority audience for flu vaccination:

– Children aged 6 months to under 6 years
– People aged 60 or over
– Pregnant women
– Postpartum women (women who have had a child within 45 days)
– People with chronic illnesses
– People with permanent disabilities
– Health workers
– Primary and higher education teachers
– Indigenous
– People living on the streets
– Security and rescue force professionals
– Armed forces professionals
– Truck drivers
– Public transport workers
– Port workers

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Curitiba opens flu vaccination priority audiences Monday



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