Autism: understand what is being done to minimize the difficulties and prejudice faced by these people in Acre


Autism – understand the disorder and what is being done to minimize the difficulties and prejudice faced by these people in Acre

TITLE SUGGESTION: Autism: understand what the disorder is and what rights autistic people have in Acre

Autism spectrum disorders usually appear in childhood and for many years were confused with dementia. However, people with this spectrum already find support from organized society, whether through non-governmental organizations, public institutions such as the Public Ministry and their own parents and family members.

This Tuesday (2), the date on which World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated, ContilNet provides a service to the community, with essential information so that all these people and their families are respected and feel welcomed in the best possible way by society. The date, enshrined in 2007, aims to reduce the prejudice and discrimination that affect these individuals to this day.

Heloneida da Gama Pereira, president of the Associação Família Azul do Acre (Afac), in statements to the press last year, estimated between 15 and 20 thousand the number of people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in Acre, although to date there is no official number.

Since the first half of 2023, the Public Ministry of the State of Acre has been working on preparing a census that will allow us to know how many people with autism have autism in the state. This is the first initiative in this regard across the country and will allow public policies to be adopted more precisely for these people.

Public Ministry of Acre/Photo: Reproduction

For ContilNetAttorney Gilcely Evangelista, coordinator of the Working Group on the Defense of the Rights of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder (GT-ASD), an MPAC body that deals directly with the topic, stated that the survey continues to be carried out.

“In fact, as the number increases every day, the database is evolving more and more. And soon, we will present to society the data that is being collected and an estimate based on the bank’s responses on public policies aimed specifically at the population on the Autism Spectrum”, highlights the prosecutor.

The GT-TEA was created by MPAC in May 2022, due to the need to support these people and their families in their rights.

According to the Municipal Health Department of Rio Branco, at least 800 children, most with complete diagnosis, are registered in its databases in the capital of Acre. The number of adults, however, is very small. The majority need more complete care and, therefore, are on the waiting list in the public network.

Gilcely Evangelista highlights that parents of children with autism still frequently seek MPAC, especially after the increase in spectrum diagnoses. “They want to know from the Public Prosecutor’s Office about their rights, and also guidance on which path to follow to seek them,” she says.

Attorney Gilcely Evangelista, coordinator of the Working Group to Defend the Rights of People with ASD/Photo: Reproduction

The prosecutor states that “a team carries out this reception daily for both people with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their families, who can contact them via WhatsApp at 32125201”.

Regarding the main complaints, Evangelista cites the area of ​​Health, Education and benefits. The latter are related to social security, Federal Revenue, purchasing cheaper cars, among others. (Read more below).

A fact that must be observed, according to the MPAC attorney, is that “with regard to benefits, they [os familiares] must contact the Federal Public Ministry directly.” This is a responsibility of the MPF.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that will affect a person from birth until the end of their life. To diagnose someone with autism, three segments related to attention are considered. The first is related to communication, the second to socialization and the last to behavior.

It is also necessary to consider that autism is not classified as a disease. Therefore, there is no need for a cure. And this condition is what causes them to be placed in the situation of people with disabilities, called PwDs. Under the law, they enjoy rights and benefits that can reduce the daily difficulties they face.

April 2nd is known as World Autism Awareness Day/Photo: Reproduction

Understand the levels of support for autistic people

Level 1: Individuals who have a reduced need for support in their daily lives, in areas where they need to interact socially;

Level 2: Individuals who have an intermediate need for support for their tasks and their routine as a whole;

Level 3: This includes those who need greater support. For these people, personalized therapies are necessary according to each individual and with adaptations for each stage of life;

But you need to be careful in one particular thing: the levels do not mean that one person is more autistic and another less so.

Generally, people whose level of support requires greater care are those whose benefits, such as purchasing a cheaper vehicle, for example, will extend to their parents, family members or caregivers.

Check out the rights of autistic people and parents with autistic children

Initially, it is necessary to keep in mind that autistic people are, according to the law, people with disabilities, with no relation to higher or lower levels.

Discount on automobiles

The chosen car must be brand new, manufactured in Brazil or Mercosur and priced up to R$70,000.


People with autism are exempt from ICMS and IPI when purchasing vehicles. And the option of a car with automatic transmission is not necessarily mandatory.

The companion of a person with a disorder is also entitled to exemption on the ticket. And what is important to know is that some airlines offer benefits in situations such as boarding and disembarking.


There is no law about the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS). However, there are cases in which parents were able to withdraw the fund to use this resource for treatment and purchasing medication for their children. This was a right guaranteed in court.


People with autism have access to the education network normally, whether public or private. Denying this right constitutes a crime. Likewise, discriminating against an autistic person is also considered a crime.

Assistant teacher support

The autistic person must have access to a second teacher, also called an assistant. The objective is to allow students on the autistic spectrum to perform better in school activities. It is also important to emphasize that the report ensures possible problems that may arise in relation to the suppression of rights.


The need for therapy sessions should not be limited by health insurance, but rather governed by medical recommendation. In this way, as many sessions as necessary are what should be offered to the person with autism, unlike what happens with those who are not disabled, when there is a maximum number of sessions.

Medicines also with medical recommendations must be provided free of charge, regardless of whether they are found in the public distribution network. But to be granted free of charge, the prescription must come with the generic name of the medicine.

Job market

Companies with more than 100 employees are required to include people with disabilities on their team. And the law also requires the company to adapt the work environment for these people.


For those considered low income there is the Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC), resulting from the Organic Social Assistance Law (LOAS). Also known as Assistance Benefit, it guarantees a minimum wage per month for people with disabilities who are unable to support themselves.


Autistic people are not entitled to income tax exemption, but their families can deduct expenses for medicines and consultations, except when there is a refund.


Preferential queues, fast food chains and half price admission are some of these rights for people with autism and those with them.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Autism understand minimize difficulties prejudice faced people Acre



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