Four people are injured after an electric motorcycle catches fire inside a residence in Aracaju | Sergipe

Four people are injured after an electric motorcycle catches fire inside a residence in Aracaju | Sergipe
Four people are injured after an electric motorcycle catches fire inside a residence in Aracaju | Sergipe

1 of 2 Firefighter Teams in attendance — Photo: Ascom Firefighters
Firefighter teams in attendance — Photo: Ascom Firefighters

Four people, three adults and one child, were injured after an electric motorcycle caught fire inside a residence, in the Santos Dumont neighborhood, in Aracaju, on Thursday afternoon (28). The flames started when the vehicle was being loaded. The information was confirmed by the Fire Department.

According to firefighters, neighbors used fire extinguishers to fight the fire. The teams carried out the recovery work and care for the victims. The Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) was also called for medical support.

According to firefighters, among the victims, a woman was the least affected. Two young adults were immediately intubated and the child was under observation for suspected airway burns). Everyone was taken to a hospital.

2 of 2 Electric motorcycle catches fire and leaves injured in Aracaju. — Photo: CBM
Electric motorcycle catches fire and leaves injured in Aracaju. — Photo: CBM

Electric vehicle care

According to the Fire Department, when charging an electric vehicle, it is important to observe the following precautions:

  • the electrical installation of the residence must be carried out by a specialized professional;
  • extensions should not be used;
  • check the voltage recommended by the manufacturer;
  • read the manual before charging.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: people injured electric motorcycle catches fire residence Aracaju Sergipe



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