MPPE service will operate on an on-call basis

MPPE service will operate on an on-call basis
MPPE service will operate on an on-call basis
Prosecutors visited the state school in the Kapinawá indigenous community

03/27/2024 – The Public Ministry of Pernambuco (MPPE), through the Women’s Support Center (NAM), GT Racism, NDLGBTQIA+ and the 2nd Public Prosecutor’s Office of Buíque, held, on March 19, two joint activities: the first, with the objective of evaluating the physical and mental health conditions of the re-educated women at the Buíque Women’s Penal Colony (CPFB); the second, with the purpose of debating, with students and teachers, topics such as combating violence against women and bullying.

In the morning, Prosecutors Luciana Prado, Coordinator of NAM and also representative of GT Racismo and NDLGBTQIA+; and Ana Rita Coelho, Prosecutor of the municipalities of Buíque and Tupanatinga, visited the CPFB. The main objective was to verify compliance with the Menstrual Dignity Law and the guarantee of appropriate treatments for women’s health. Furthermore, during the visit, they sought to investigate the psychological effects of female loneliness in prison.

“Loneliness is a feminine word and it is a constant in women’s prisons, not only due to the abandonment of their partners and husbands, but due to the forced separation of inmates from their children and other family members. In the case of Buíque, it is further aggravated by the logistical and financial difficulties of traveling for visitors to the penal colony. All of this has repercussions on the mental health of those re-educated”, says the Public Prosecutor and NAM Coordinator, Luciana Prado.

NEEDS – Prosecutor Luciana Prado highlighted the issue of homosexual behavior identified in a significant portion of inmates, a fact that is also observed in the majority of women’s prisons. According to her, this particularity must be adequately addressed by state entities and the MPPE, which, in fact, already stands out nationally with the work of NDLGBTQIA+, created more than ten years ago.

The MPPE representatives also noticed other needs within the Buíque Women’s Penal Colony, such as improving the flowchart for supplying sanitary pads and medications for menstrual cramps; reduce bureaucracy in the creation of visitation cards and the creation of a psychological assistance service for CPFB servers and employees.

Suggestions for actions will be forwarded to the Criminal Execution Prosecutor working at CPFB, Fabiano Beltrão, including making it possible to carry out joint actions with NAM and NDLGBTQIA+.

KAPINAWÁ – In the afternoon, Prosecutors Luciana Prado and Ana Rita Coelho visited Aldeia Ponta da Várzea, in the Kapinawá indigenous community, in the municipality of Buíque. There, they were informed about the need for the correct demarcation of the indigenous territory (which still extends through the municipalities of Tupanatinga and Ibimirim) and the concern about the installation of wind farms on private properties, on the margins of the indigenous territory, which has presented socio-environmental consequences. the community.

Together with teachers and students, various topics were discussed, such as domestic and gender-based violence; bullying, importance of preserving, valuing and disseminating indigenous cultural traditions, among others. The culminating moment occurred when teachers, students and Promoters participated in traditional dances and songs, such as Toré and Samba de Coco.

Joint activities with the Centers continued on the 20th, simultaneously with the action with CAO Education (School Week to Combat Violence against Women). On that day, contact was maintained with representatives of the Mundo Novo quilombola community (Buíque), in addition to being informed about specific problems of the four quilombola communities of Tupanatinga.

“The joint action of the Centers and GT with the region’s Prosecutor’s Office is very important, given the great difficulties faced in a Prosecutor’s Office with two municipalities of large territorial extension and which have peculiar problems, specific to cities with indigenous and quilombola communities. Furthermore, issues relating to the Catimbau National Park cannot be ignored, demanding greater institutional support in the region”, concluded Prosecutor Ana Rita Coelho.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: MPPE service operate oncall basis



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