Women earn 31.4% less than men in MT and the state is the 4th in terms of highest inequality in the country, says report | Mato Grosso

Women earn 31.4% less than men in MT and the state is the 4th in terms of highest inequality in the country, says report | Mato Grosso
Women earn 31.4% less than men in MT and the state is the 4th in terms of highest inequality in the country, says report | Mato Grosso

1 of 1 Few companies still adopt policies such as extended maternity/paternity leave (17.1%) and daycare allowance (13%) — Photo: Eugenio Marongiu/Cultura Creative/AFP
Few companies still adopt policies such as extended maternity/paternity leave (17.1%) and daycare allowance (13%) — Photo: Eugenio Marongiu/Cultura Creative/AFP

To the women in Mato Grosso earn 31.4% less than men, according to the Salary Transparency Report with a gender breakdown released by the Ministries of Women and Labor and Employment (MTE), this Monday (25). O state is the fourth in highest salary inequality in Brazil. (See ranking below)



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