Book “Points of View: the perspective of 10 young photographers from Rio’s favelas” is launched


Pipa Time – Photo: Cadu Sousa

Points of View: the perspective of 10 young photographers from Rio’s favelas” is the result of a project started in September last year, when the photographer and cultural producer Tiago Petrik selected photographers from Rio’s favelas for an extension course. Out of more than 100 applicants, they were chosen Affonso Dalua (Nova Holanda), Cadu Sousa (Alemão), Juliana Cofe (Fallet), Karla Inajara (Vila Paraíso), Mar Zenin (Providência), Myllena Araujo (Parque Marilândia), Rah BXD (Belford Roxo), Salem (Rocinha) , TVX (Morro do Urubu) and Vitória Corrêia (Nova Holanda). The book will be launched this Tuesday, 26/3, at 6pm at Folha Seca, on Rua do Ouvidor, next to the Our Lady of Lapa dos Mercadores Church.

The course had 14 classes, ten online and four face-to-face, in the Center and North Zone of Rio. As teachers, they worked Evandro Teixeira – considered one of the greatest Brazilian photojournalists in history –, Gabriela Biló (photographer for Folha de S. Paulo in Brasília), Marcia Folettomulti-award winning photographer for O Globo, Pedro Garcia de Moura (who also goes by the pseudonym Cartiê Bressão), Janaina Damaceno (curator of Walter Firmo’s latest exhibition), Maria Lagophotobook publisher, and photographers André Arruda, Fernando Rabello, Tiago Pedro Pereira, Beto Pestana, Francisco Valdean and Ana Paula Amorim – these last three also acted as course coordinators.

Photo: Mar Ramos

Throughout the process, different topics were covered, from the History of photography to the use of artificial intelligence, analogue photography and instant photography (better known as lambe-lambe). “The teaching staff was made up of people with a lot of experience and excellence in their areas of expertise, and the exchange that took place between teachers and students was of a very high level. Expanding the repertoire of these young people, who are already very talented, and placing them in front of major market references can make a difference in their lives and careers, even more so with the publication of a book”, assesses Petrik, who created the project two years ago, developing a pilot at the NGOs Plantando o Ajante, in Del Castilho, and Casa Amarela, in Morro da Providência.

invitation book points of view Book

Pontos de Vista is sponsored by the City of Rio de Janeiro, Municipal Department of Culture and Ancar Ivanhoe, through the Municipal Culture Incentive Law – ISS Law.


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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Book Points View perspective young photographers Rios favelas launched



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