Refrigerators in Action: discover Claude Troisgros’ new program | Refrigerators in action

Refrigerators in Action: discover Claude Troisgros’ new program | Refrigerators in action
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1 of 3 Claude Troisgros presents a new reality show on GNT, Geladeiras em Ação — Photo: Globo / Ju Coutinho
Claude Troisgros presents a new reality show on GNT, Geladeiras em Ação — Photo: Globo / Ju Coutinho

Who has never found themselves in a kitchen situation with what’s in the fridge?! With each episode of the new GNT reality show led by Claude Troisgros — o Refrigerators in Action —, three participants will be challenged to prepare three meals using only the ingredients they have in the refrigerator, with elements selected by the chef himself!

And, to spice up the competition, participants will have their dishes tasted and judged by a trio of judges. Baptist It is Douglas Silva, the DG, are part of the fixed jury and, in each episode, a special guest completes the bench that will decide who takes the prize. Golden Penguin.

2 of 3 Claude, Batista and DG are part of the fixed cast of Refrigerators in Action — Photo: Globo / Ju Coutinho
Claude, Batista and DG are part of the fixed cast of Geladeiras em Ação — Photo: Globo / Ju Coutinho

Every Thursday, a different cuisine! -


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