US Congress demands explanations from Liberty Media about Andretti rejection


Members of the United States Congress are seeking answers from Liberty Media, owner of Formula 1, about the refusal of the Andretti team’s application to enter the category. The team, which had proposed a partnership with General Motors, had its request initially approved by the FIA ​​on technical grounds, but was later blocked by F1’s commercial rights holders and the ten existing teams, concerned about the dilution of the prize fund. .

The case took on new dimensions with the involvement of bipartisan members of the US Congress, including Republican John James of Michigan. They sent a letter to Liberty boss Greg Maffei expressing concerns about actions they consider anti-competitive, which could prevent US companies Andretti Global and General Motors from competing in F1. This action suggests that the blocking decision could be seen as an attempt to maintain the dominance of European teams in F1, which could constitute a violation of American antitrust laws, specifically the Sherman Act of 1890.

Lawmakers demand clear answers from Liberty Media by May 3 on several issues, including the authority under which FOM refused Andretti admission, the reasons for such rejection and whether GM’s potential entry into the European market could have been a factor in the veto. These issues underline the impact such a decision could have not only on the F1 competitive landscape, but also on transatlantic commercial and sporting relations.

This development indicates growing pressure on Liberty Media to reconsider its position, or at least to provide transparent justifications for its actions, as the motorsport world anxiously awaits the implications of this dispute unfolding both on the racing circuits and in the corridors of the political power.

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