12 good movies you can watch online for free on Pluto TV and didn’t know


Watching movies online for free is possible on Pluto.tv, a streaming service linked to Paramount Pictures, with content such as series, TV shows in addition to the feature films themselves. And there is a wide choice of successful films available on the free website, classics such as Angels in the Night (2001), starring Kate Beckinsale, and The Two Faces of a Crime (1996), with Edward Norton and Richard Gere in the cast. .[alogogratuitooclássicocomoAnjosdaNoite(2001)estreladoporKateBeckinsaleeAsDuasFacesdeumCrime(1996)comEdwardNortoneRichardGerenoelenco

The North American company has a partnership with Globo, and since April 2022 it has also offered soap operas and series from the broadcaster. In total, Pluto.tv offers 80 channels available at no cost to the Brazilian public and, to access the catalog, simply sign up on the website. That said, if you love watching free movies online, the list of Techtudo might interest you. Below, check out other titles, plot, and more details.



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