Post office selects volunteers to sort donations

Post office selects volunteers to sort donations
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The Post Office is selecting volunteers to work on sorting donations for victims of the rains in Rio Grande do Sul. Support will be needed in the municipalities of Cajamar (SP), Guarulhos (SP), Brasília, Curitiba, Cascavel (PR) and Londrina ( PR).ebc.gif?id=1594333&o=node

Registrations can be made by email to [email protected] (Brasília), [email protected] (São Paulo) and [email protected] (Paraná) and must contain full name and contact telephone number.

In a note, Correios informed that the entire network of agencies in the Northeast, Southeast and South regions, in addition to the Federal District, receives donations of water, considered priority, food from the basic basket, personal hygiene material, dry cleaning material and clothing bed and bath and pet food.

“The transportation of items to Rio Grande do Sul is carried out by Correios free of charge, at no cost to those who make the donation. If possible, the company asks the donor to package and identify the type of material, but it is not a requirement”, informed the Post Office.


In the first three days of the action, around 800 tons of items were collected by the Post Office – including 50 tons of clothes donated by the Federal Revenue Service and 23 tons of clothing items and household items that went through all delivery attempts and were not sought after by the recipients, nor senders and have already exceeded the 90-day deadline for complaints provided for in the Consumer Protection Code.

In Rio Grande do Sul, donations can be delivered to central agencies in the following municipalities: São Borja, Santo Ângelo, Santa Rosa, Canoas, Esteio, Sapucaia do Sul, São Leopoldo, Novo Hamburgo, Campo Bom, Sapiranga, Parobe, Taquara, Montenegro, Pelotas, Rio Grande, Camaqua, Bagé, Jaguarão, São Lourenço do Sul, Anta Gorda, Arvorezinha, Butia, Cachoeira do Sul, Charqueadas, Estrela, Foutoura Xavier, Guaporé, Ilopolis, Mato Leitão, Nova Brescia, Pântano Grande, Rio Pardo, Salto do Jacuí, Santa Cruz do Sul, Sobradinho, Teotoania, Taquari, Venâncio Aires and Vera Cruz.

In Porto Alegre, collections are made at the Vila Jardim Home Distribution Centers, (Avenida Saturnino de Brito, 46, Vila Jardim), Antônio de Carvalho (Avenida Bento Gonçalves, 6613), Restinga (Estrada Barro Vermelho, 59) and Cavalhada, (Camaquã, 408).

They are all open from 8am to 5pm and receive items such as mattresses, blankets, single sheets, water, hygiene products, plastic cups, children’s and geriatric diapers and food for dogs and cats.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Post office selects volunteers sort donations



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