CCJR approves message that regulates the donation and reuse of food in the CE

CCJR approves message that regulates the donation and reuse of food in the CE
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The Constitution, Justice and Writing Committee (CCJR) of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Ceará (Alece) approved, during an ordinary meeting held on the afternoon of this Tuesday (30/04), 28 matters, five of which were bills from the Executive Branch. and 23 deputies.

Among the matters arising from the Executive, no. 24/2024 regulates the donation and reuse of food in Ceará, presenting the provision that establishments such as supermarkets and restaurants can donate surplus food or reusable foodstuffs to social programs in order to be reused to combat hunger, in compliance with current health standards.

The other bills that received approval from the collegiate were those no. 26/2024 and no. 27/2024, who request the opening of special credit; no. 28/2024which amends Law no. 13,094/2001providing for the Intermunicipal Road Passenger Transport System of the State of Ceará, and no. 29/2024which amends Law no. 16,880/2019which gave rise to the Public Works Superintendency.

Of the proposals authored by parliamentarians, three PLs establish names for public State equipment: no. 525/2023, by deputy Cláudio Pinho (PDT), calls the arena in the municipality of Paracuru Raimundo Ribeiro Lima Filho; that of n.° 748/2023authored by deputy Simão Pedro (PSD), names the type II arena located in the district of Betânia, in the municipality of Deputado Irapuan Pinheiro, as Antônio Altair Pinheiro, and the no. 1202/2023by deputy Agenor Neto (MDB), names the Early Childhood Education Center (CEI) located in the municipality of Cruz as Izabel Romana Vasconcelos.

Three other PLs grant Cearense Citizenship Title: no. 1258/2023, from deputy Guilherme Landim (PDT), to the minister of Integration and Regional Development, Waldez Góes; no. 124/2024by deputy De Assis Diniz (PT), co-authored by Bruno Pedrosa (PDT), to the superintendent of Banco do Nordeste do Brasil, Eliane Libânio Brasil de Matos, and n.° 152/2024by deputy Queiroz Filho (PDT), to Gardel Ferreira Rolim.

From deputy Luana Ribeiro (Citizenship), PL no. 695/2023 creates the Inclusive Corridinha Partner Institution Seal, and the number 104/2024 establishes the dengue prevention campaign in schools in the State. From deputy Emilia Pessoa (PSDB), co-authored by Guilherme Landim (PDT) and Larissa Gaspar (PT), project no.° 146/2024 provides for the implementation of state awareness campaigns about rare diseases in children.

The PL no. 826/2023by deputy De Assis Diniz (PT), establishes the State Policy for Incentives for the Third Sector in Ceará, and no. 70/2024, by deputy Gabriella Aguiar (PSD), co-authored by Larissa Gaspar (PT), establishes the campaign to clarify and prevent sexual abuse of children and adolescents on the internet.


12 nomination projects received a favorable vote from the collegiate body: those no. 219/2023 and no. 346/2023, by deputy Dr. Oscar Rodrigues (União); no. 291/2023 and no. 320/2023, by deputy Davi de Raimundão (MDB); no. 596/2023, by deputy Almir Bié (Progressistas); no. 692/2023no. 627/2023 and° 652/2023, by deputy Luana Ribeiro (Citizenship); no. 342/2023, by deputy Ap. Luiz Henrique (Republicans); no. 375/2023, by deputy Larissa Gaspar (PT); no. 418/2023by deputy Marta Gonçalves (PL), and 600/2023, by deputy Jô Farias (PT) and co-authored by deputy Guilherme Landim (PDT). As these are matters of exclusive competence of the Executive, after approval by the Legislature, it is up to the State Government to send these proposals in the form of a project for consideration by the House.

Parliamentarians Júlio César Filho (PT), Marcos Sobreira (PDT), Agenor Neto (MDB), Jeová Mota (PDT), Leonardo Pinheiro (Progressistas), Queiroz Filho (PDT) and Nizo Costa (PT) were present at the meeting. Deputies De Assis Diniz (PT), Sergeant Reginauro (União), Felipe Mota (União), Carmelo Neto (PL), Antônio Granja (PDT), Guilherme Sampaio (PT) participated through the Virtual Meeting Platform (PRV). and Guilherme Bismarck (PDT).

Editing: Clara Guimarães

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: CCJR approves message regulates donation reuse food



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