Orange alert for significant rainfall in Bahia and Sergipe

Orange alert for significant rainfall in Bahia and Sergipe
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Orange alert for significant rainfall in Bahia and Sergipe – Source: INMET

The National Institute of Meteorology issued orange alert for storms and heavy rain this Wednesday (24) until 10 am on Thursday (25), the potential risks of this alert are: rain between 30 and 60 mm/h or 50 to 100 mm/day and intense winds between 60 at 100 km/h.

Attention: Risk of electricity cuts, damage to crops, falling trees and flooding.

Northeast Region

– Sergipe: Aracaju, Arauá, Barra dos Coqueiros, Boquim, Cristinápolis, Estância, Indiaroba, Itabaianinha, Itaporanga d”Ajuda, Nossa Senhora do Socorro, Pedrinhas, Salgado, Santa Luzia do Itanhy, Santo Amaro das Brotas, São Cristóvão, Tomar do Geru and Umbaúba

– Bahia: Acajutiba, Água Fria, Alagoinhas, Almadina, Amargosa, Amélia Rodrigues, Anguera, Antônio Cardoso, Aporá, Apuarema, Araçás, Aramari, Arataca, Aratuípe, Aurelino Leal, Barra do Rocha, Barro Preto, Buerarema, Cabaceiras do Paraguaçu, Cachoeira, Cairu, Camaçari, Camamu, Canavieiras, Candeias, Cardeal da Silva, Castro Alves, Catu, Coaraci, Conceição da Feira, Conceição do Almeida, Conceição do Jacuípe, Conde, Coração de Maria, Crisópolis, Cruz das Almas, Dias d” Ávila, Dom Macedo Costa, Elísio Medrado, Entre Rios, Esplanada, Feira de Santana, Gandu, Gongogi, Governador Mangabeira, Ibicaraí, Ibirapitanga, Ibirataia, Igrapiúna, Ilhéus, Inhambupe, Ipecaetá, Ipiaú, Irará, Itabuna, Itacaré, Itagibá, Itajuípe , Itamari, Itanagra, Itaparica, Itapé, Itapitanga, Ituberá, Jaguaripe, Jandaíra, Jiquiriçá, Jussari, Laje, Lauro de Freitas, Madre de Deus, Maragogipe, Maraú, Mata de São João, Muniz Ferreira, Muritiba, Mutuípe, Nazaré, Nilo Peçanha, Nova Ibiá, Ouriçangas, Pedrão, Piraí do Norte, Pojuca, Presidente Tancredo Neves, Rafael Jambeiro, Rio Real, Salinas da Margarida, Salvador, Santa Bárbara, Santanópolis, Santa Terezinha, Santo Amaro, Santo Antônio de Jesus, Santo Estêvão, São Felipe, São Félix, São Francisco do Conde, São Gonçalo dos Campos, São José da Vitória, São Miguel das Matas, São Sebastião do Passé, Sapeaçu, Sátiro Dias, Saubara, Simões Filho, Taperoá, Teodoro Sampaio, Teolândia, Terra Nova , Ubaíra, Ubaitaba, Ubatã, Una, Uruçuca, Valença, Varzedo, Vera Cruz and Wenceslau Guimarães

With information from the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET)

Color classification of INMET alerts

Yellow Alert – Potential Danger: potentially dangerous meteorological situation. Be careful when carrying out activities subject to meteorological risks. Stay informed about forecast weather conditions and don’t take unnecessary risks.

Orange Alert – Danger: dangerous meteorological situation. Stay very vigilant and check the forecast weather conditions regularly. Find out about any risks that may be unavoidable. Follow the advice of the authorities.

Red alert – Great Danger: meteorological situation of great danger. Meteorological phenomena of exceptional intensity are predicted. High probability of major damage and accidents occurring, with risks to physical integrity or even human life. Stay informed about forecast weather conditions and possible risks. Follow instructions and advice from authorities in all circumstances and prepare for emergency measures.

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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Orange alert significant rainfall Bahia Sergipe



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