Satisfactory conditions for sheep herd in RS

Satisfactory conditions for sheep herd in RS
Satisfactory conditions for sheep herd in RS

Prices for all slaughter categories remain stable

Agrolink – Seane Lennon

Published on 03/28/2024 at 4:56 pm.

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Photo: Sheila Flores

In the administrative region of Emater/RS-Ascar de Bagé, feeding conditions for the sheep herd remain satisfactory, with animals moving to native pastures as some cultivated summer pastures reach the end of their cycle. According to the Economic Information released this Thursday (28/03) by Emater/RS-Ascar, prices for all categories for slaughter remain stable, but low, driving an increase in sales of lambs and capons for slaughter in Saint Gabriel.

In other regions, such as Passo Fundo, care is taken to monitor and control myiasis and worms. In Pelotas, after intense rains, weather conditions improved, favoring the performance of breeders, whose reproductive period is concluding in some areas, with calving scheduled for May. However, there is a high incidence of screwworm and hoof disease in humid areas.

In Cacequi, in the Santa Maria region, breeders are carrying out andrological examinations and aptitude tests, in addition to selecting the matrices that will enter breeding soon. In Santa Rosa, frequent rains have made managing the herd difficult, with many breeders organizing themselves for the pre-calving period, scheduled for May, adjusting enclosures and pastures. In the Soledade region, sheep herds are in good body condition due to the satisfactory supply of forage, but care is needed in relation to worms, especially during the reproductive period.

With regard to marketing, the weekly survey carried out by Emater/RS-Ascar in the State indicates that the average price of lamb remained at R$ 7.54 per live kilo.

The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Satisfactory conditions sheep herd



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