Former councilor arrested after 8-year-old girl reported rape to teacher in AM, police say | Amazon

Former councilor arrested after 8-year-old girl reported rape to teacher in AM, police say | Amazon
Former councilor arrested after 8-year-old girl reported rape to teacher in AM, police say | Amazon

1 of 1 Arrested suspected of rape in Anamã, in the interior of Amazonas — Photo: Disclosure
Suspect arrested for rape in Anamã, in the interior of Amazonas — Photo: Disclosure

An 8-year-old girl reported to her teacher that she was raped by her neighbor, who is an employee of Anamã City Hall and a former councilor of the municipality, in the interior of Amazonas. According to the Civil Police, she reported the crime after seeing a campaign against child sexual abuse and exploitation at school.

The crime occurred in 2018, in Anamã. The accused was sentenced to more than 9 years in prison for the crime and was arrested on Monday (25).

According to the Civil Police, the abuse took place when the victim went to the councilor’s house to play with his grandson. Occasion when he ordered her to take off her clothes to photograph her and caress her private parts.

“These abuses were committed when the girl went to play with the author’s grandson at his house. He took advantage of this to take photos of the child without clothes and grope her private parts. It is a disgusting crime. It is worth mentioning that this child had already been abused by another neighbor who was already arrested a month ago”, emphasized delegate Paulo Mavignier, director of the Interior Police Department (DPI).

According to the delegate, the victim only gained the courage to report it after seeing a campaign against child sexual abuse and exploitation, and sought out the teacher to report the facts. Subsequently, the teacher informed the Civil Police.

According to the PC, in the first three months of 2024 alone, the agency, through the 81st Interactive Police Station (DIP) of Anamã, served four arrest warrants for the crime of rape of a vulnerable person and opened another five investigations to investigate recent facts of the same crime.

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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: councilor arrested #8yearold girl reported rape teacher police Amazon



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