Acre maintains a holiday and optional Holy Week; see what will work


Following the calendar of holidays and optional points of 2024 for bodies and entities of the direct and indirect administration of the State, published in the January 4th edition of the Official State Gazette (DOE), the government of Acre reaffirms the optional point of the next day 28, Maundy Thursday, and the national holiday of Friday, 29, Passion of Christ.

The measure is valid for bodies and entities in the direct and indirect administration of the state Executive Branch. To avoid inconvenience, the population must pay attention to the bodies that operate on the holiday.

State secretariats and Organization in Service Centers (OCA) units will be closed on the 28th and 29th, resuming their normal activities on Monday, April 1st.

The essential public services of Health and Public Security continue to serve the public without changes. The emergency care units (UPAs), the Rio Branco Urgency and Emergency Hospital (Huerb) and the state police stations also remain in operation.

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