Researchers discover the true fountain of youth; see what it is


You physical exercises are widely recognized for their health benefits, including improving muscle strength, preventing chronic diseases, and improving mental health.

Recently, a study published in the journal Nature Aging has brought to light another potentially transformative advantage: the ability to reverse certain aspects of aging.

The study focuses on the interaction between physical activity and the decrease in the accumulation of a specific lipid, known as bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate (BMP), which is correlated with advancing age.

Secret of longevity is revealed

Researchers at Amsterdam UMC conducted the study, which was based on comparative analysis of muscle tissues from rats and humans.

By studying ten different tissues in mice, they identified that the amount of BMP increased significantly with age. age.

To verify the applicability of these findings in humans, they collected biopsies from different age groups, confirming the high presence of BMP in older individuals.

A recent study shows that physical exercise can reverse the effects of aging. Image: Reproduction

Methodology and intervention

The experimental phase included 12 postmenopausal women, categorized as physically inactive.

The methodology included a design crossoverwhere each participant alternated between three regimes: sedentary lifestyle, moderate exercise and light activity.

Exercise interventions consisted of walking and low-intensity exercise for a period of four days, followed by analysis using muscle biopsies.


The results showed a significant reduction in BMP levels after the period of physical activity.

This finding is particularly notable because it suggests that short-duration exercise interventions can induce metabolic changes that potentially slow or reverse aspects of biological aging.

BMP accumulation is associated not only with aging but with several age-related pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases and metabolic dysfunctions.

Therefore, the ability to modulate it through physical exercise can open new avenues for preventive and therapeutic treatments aimed at the elderly population.

Limitations and future research

The study, although promising, has limitations due to its small sample size and short intervention period.

Future research should expand the sample and diversify the age and gender groups to reinforce the generalization of the results.

Furthermore, long-term studies could elucidate whether the effects on BMP reduction are sustainable over time.

The implications of this research are vast, suggesting that the inclusion of physical activities Regular intakes can be the true fountain of youth, serving to maintain health and quality of life in old age.

*With information from CNN and Medical News Today.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Researchers discover true fountain youth



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