Vasectomy is safe and effective, but many men still fear surgery

Vasectomy is safe and effective, but many men still fear surgery
Vasectomy is safe and effective, but many men still fear surgery

“The man is afraid of anything that will take him to the operating room, even if you know that it is a minor surgery with local anesthesia. Men and women are very different in this aspect”, revealed Sami Arap, professor of urology at the Faculty of Medicine of USP (University of São Paulo) and doctor at Hospital das Clínicas (HC) and Hospital Sírio-Libanês, both in São Paulo. , in an interview with Portal Drauzio.

The idea that men do not get sick and therefore do not need to seek health services keeps them away from disease prevention. Not surprisingly, they have the worst rates in relation to non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular problems and diabetes.

Furthermore, contraception is still seen as a women’s problem, who are responsible for choosing and using contraceptive methods if they do not wish to become pregnant.

This also applies to definitive contraceptive methods. Even though tubal ligation is a much more invasive procedure, which requires incisions in the abdomen to close or remove the uterine tubes and, thus, prevent the egg from falling from the ovary and the sperm from rising, it ends up being the option for many couples who no longer want children.

Virility and sterility

It is common for men to associate vasectomy with impotence. “There is no harm or organic advantage in relation to potency or sexual performance,” said Arap. The doctor explains that, contrary to what many people think, the libido of a man who undergoes a vasectomy tends to improve, as he starts to have sex without worry. “From a sexual point of view, vasectomy represents a benefit for the couple.”

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Vasectomy safe effective men fear surgery



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