MC Bin Laden tests bold flirtation with sister and gets dumped on BBB 24 | Daniel Nascimento

MC Bin Laden tests bold flirtation with sister and gets dumped on BBB 24 | Daniel Nascimento
MC Bin Laden tests bold flirtation with sister and gets dumped on BBB 24 | Daniel Nascimento

Published 03/27/2024 09:34 | Updated 03/27/2024 09:35

In the early hours of this Wednesday (24), MC Bin Laden, fresh out of the spotlight, tried once again to win Giovanna on BBB 24. Even though he was confident after his victory on the wall, the singer was unsuccessful in his flirtation with the nutritionist, which had already rejected previous advances.

During a conversation outside the house, bin Laden made a bold line to Giovanna: “Do you want to borrow a language?”, he asked in a joking tone. However, the sister was not impressed and, after rolling her eyes in response, she replied ironically: “I already have one.”

Even faced with the first rejection, MC Bin Laden insisted on flirting, suggesting: “I’ll lend you mine.” However, once again Giovanna proved irreducible. The sister laughed and, appearing somewhat uncomfortable, called the singer a “stupid guy”. Despite the funk singer’s protests, she closed the matter.

Giovanna and Bin have already been involved in the reality show, but the sister does not want to do it again. This is because she believes that the singer is still in love with his ex-girlfriend. “[Ele] I already commented a couple of times [sobre ela] and I said: ‘How am I going to be with a guy here who has already told me that there is someone out there that he likes?’, the nutritionist told Leidy Elin.



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