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Top 100 2024: who are the 100 largest milk producers in the country?


Since 2001, annually, a data gap regarding Brazilian dairy production is filled with the Top 100 Surveyan exclusive MilkPoint initiative, which maps the 100 largest milk producers in the country and their production characteristics.

O 2024 survey has just been made available. In it, you will find data corresponding to production, costs, production systems, breeds, sustainability and profitability, as well as the individual ranking, classifying the 100 largest milk producers in the country.

The complete data from the study can be found by clicking on the banner below, and following the article you can see some brief highlights.

Historical brand and growing production average

Data from the Top 100 2024 Survey indicates that the milestone of more than a billion liters of milk was reached by the one hundred largest producers in the country. More specifically, the total volume sold by the group was 1,048,958,090.

When we talk about average daily production, the data shows that in the Top 100 2024, this value was 28,739 liters, number 7.55% greater than the last report.

Graphic 1. Average daily milk production per property in the Top 100 Survey, from 2001 to 2023.

The current production of the properties listed in the Top 100 ranking demonstrates a increase of 339% compared to the first survey, carried out in 2001.

This growth rate presents a notable superiority in relation to the expansion rate of total Brazilian production.

In the same time interval, it is observed that the formal production increased by 84.4%while the total production registered an increase of 72% (estimated value by the MilkPoint Mercado team for total production, given that official data for 2023 has not yet been released by IBGE).

Graph 2. Growth rates of milk production volume of the Top 100, formal and total milk production in Brazil, 2001 to 2023.

Growth rates of milk production volume of the Top 100, formal and total milk production in Brazil, 2001 to 2023.

Milk production in Brazil is quite heterogeneous. In this sense, trying to analyze the whole through averages tends not to result in a correct analysis. The Top 100 represent a small portion of milk (4.3% of formal milk), but they have been growing. In addition to the Top 100, there is a significant number of producers increasing the scale of production, so the top 100 are a kind of tip of the iceberg of the transformation taking place in the country”, says Marcelo Pereira de Carvalho, CEO of MilkPoint Ventures.

How do large milk producers assess the profitability of the activity?

In this year’s Top 100 Survey, 64% of producers indicated a worsening in profitability in 2023, which is in line with expectations, as producer prices fell during the year. 14% said that profitability remained the same and 20% responded that there had been an improvement.

Graph 3. Profitability of Top 100 producers according to the 2024 survey compared to the previous year.

Profitability of Top 100 producers according to the 2024 survey compared to the previous year.

Do the big ones intend to get even bigger?

The Top 100 producers continue to focus on expanding production. The majority intend to increase production by 20 to 50% in the next 3 years (42 participants), 39 farms intend to expand by up to 20% and a more timid percentage, 5%, want to grow by more than 50%.

The percentage of producers who do not intend to expand their production was 14%.

Graph 4. Intention to expand the volume of milk produced in the next three years among the 100 largest milk producers in Brazil, according to the Top 100 2024 Survey.

Intention to expand the volume of milk produced in the next three years among the 100 largest milk producers in Brazil, according to the Top 100 2024 Survey

“These are producers who generally have well-structured, long-term projects, with good management and indexes. Also, due to their scale, they receive a price differential in relation to the market, which explains the intention to expand even after a more complicated year, such as 2003”says Marcelo.

O full Top 100 2024 report with all detailed data, information and analysis is available for free. To access, click here.

This initiative had the support of companies Casale, Cowmed, KWS Sementes, MSD Saúde Animal and Tortuga | DSM, to which we are grateful for making the project viable. We also thank Abraleite for their support in publicizing.

top 100 2024

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Top largest milk producers country



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