DF’s public health network performed more than 5,000 mammograms from January to March


Mammography plays a fundamental role in the early diagnosis of breast cancer, which is one of the main causes of death among women in Brazil. According to the National Cancer Institute (Inca), for each year of the 2023-2025 triennium, 73.6 thousand new cases were estimated, a number that represents a rate of 41.89 occurrences for each group of 100 thousand women.

Mammography is the only exam that reduces breast cancer mortality by around 25%, by detecting non-palpable tumors | Photo: Archive/Agência Saúde-DF

Until March this year, 5,388 mammography exams had been carried out through the public health network in the Federal District; and, between 2022 and 2023, the number of mammography exams increased by 231%. Among the most relevant actions to obtain this historical record is the Mamography Mutirão, held in 2023. In November 2023, the service queue for this modality was also cleared and more than 26 thousand mammograms were recorded.

“We always emphasize the importance of women having a mammogram periodically. From the age of 50, it is necessary to do it annually”

Farid Buitrago, district technical reference in mastology at SES-DF

“It’s a permanent campaign. We work throughout the year to make early diagnosis, which brings a greater chance of cure, in addition to less aggressive surgeries and even chemotherapy, and also to reduce the need for mastectomy, which is the total removal of the breast. Every woman over 50 needs to undergo this exam”, warns gynecologist Farid Buitrago, district technical reference (RTD) in mastology at the Department of Health (SES-DF).

According to the doctor, mammography is the only exam that reduces breast cancer mortality by around 25%, as it detects non-palpable tumors. “We always emphasize the importance of women having a mammogram periodically. From the age of 50, it is necessary to do it annually”, says Farid.

Patients who present any changes in self-examination or are at increased risk of breast cancer due to a family history of the disease should start screening earlier, at age 35, and have a mammogram every two years. For people with a normal first exam, the frequency is also every two years. In cases of changes classified as Bi-Rads category 3, the frequency becomes every six months.

Public network

In the Federal District, patients have 11 mammograms located in hospitals such as Base and Hmib | Photo: Archive/Agência Saúde-DF

Basic health units (UBSs) are the gateway to monitoring and treatment. The patient undergoes an assessment and, if indicated, is referred for a mammogram in the network, through the regulation system. Then, with the test results in hand, she must return to the UBS to be seen by the health team.

“I think mammograms can’t wait. I didn’t have any problems with the service, all the professionals treated me very well and the team was super polite”

Loni de Sousa Santos, retired

If there is any change, the patient is referred to a breast specialist, who may request other tests, such as breast ultrasound or biopsy. If breast cancer is identified, the patient can undergo oncological treatment – ​​radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/or surgery – in specialized locations within the public network.

In the Federal District, patients have access to 11 mammograms located at the Hospital Materno Infantil de Brasília (Hmib), at the Hospital de Base, at the Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB), at the Specialized Center for Women’s Health (Cesmu) and in regional hospitals in Asa Norte (Hran), Santa Maria (HRSM), Samambaia (HRSam), Gama (HRG), Ceilândia (HRC), Taguatinga (HRT) and Sobradinho (HRS).

Attended in the public network, retired Joana Darc de Freitas, 59, highlights the importance of taking routine exams. With breast cancer present in her family history, she hadn’t had an exam for two years and had an appointment in April, at UBS 5 in Gama.

“I consulted on Monday, and on Wednesday I went to take the exams. It was very quick, I was even surprised. Other women I met there reported the same agility. And it was very peaceful, it didn’t hurt to do it. It is important for us to always monitor and take care of our health, which is why I think it is important to have this service available to the population,” she declared.

In 2023, Governor Ibaneis Rocha sanctioned law nº 7,237/2023. Legislation determines that women over 40 years of age who have a family history of breast cancer or nodules must be treated as a priority.

In addition to the first reception, the UBS is responsible for monitoring the patient throughout and after treatment, coordinating care, requesting exams, removing stitches and directing them to integrative practice actions and support groups, services that are provided by the units.

In addition to common screening and diagnostic mammograms, the public network performs ten biopsies per week via stereotaxis through Cesmu, where a special device with needles is used to biopsie small lesions. The procedure removes the fragment of tissue in which there is any change detected by the mammogram.

“I think mammograms can’t wait. The sooner the better, because it prevents. Everyone has to do it. I didn’t have any problems with the service, all the professionals treated me very well and the team was super kind”, reinforced retired Loni de Sousa Santos, 58, who also sought care at UBS do Gama.

In 2023, Governor Ibaneis Rocha sanctioned law No. 7,237/2023, which establishes a list of priorities for carrying out mammograms in the public network. Legislation determines that women over 40 years of age who have a family history of breast cancer or nodules must be treated as a priority.

Anyone who needs periodic evaluations, is undergoing cancer treatment or is in urgent need, as determined by their doctor, can also take the exam more quickly.


Breast cancer, rare in young women, increases in incidence with age. Although men can also develop it, most cases occur in women over 50 years of age. Warning signs for the disease include the appearance of nodules, changes in the skin of the breast, breast secretions, breast pain or breast asymmetry. Constant surveillance and easy access to mammography are essential in the fight against breast cancer.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: DFs public health network performed mammograms January March



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