Social interaction helps elderly people live longer

Social interaction helps elderly people live longer
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Being alone and feeling lonely in old age is dangerous. A study carried out by psychologist John Cacioppo (University of Chicago, United States), for example, found that the feeling of extreme loneliness can increase the chances of an older person dying prematurely by 14%.

According to research, elderly people who stay away from social relationships experience more memory problems, blood pressure and also cardiovascular complications. Experts spoke with The Tribune and highlighted that social interaction, therefore, is very important for living longer and better.

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Geriatrician Karoline Pedroti Fiorotti stated that several studies have already shown the importance of relationships in the health, well-being and happiness of older people.

“Relationships are important for the social interaction of elderly people. Keeping them in family life, participating in events and family decisions, preferably in person, but also via telephone or video calls, reduces isolation and the associated risks”, said the doctor, explaining that social isolation is also a factor. risk for depression, anxiety and dementia.

Geriatrician Luiz Gustavo Favoreto Genelhu highlighted that the elderly need to do their part and family members should encourage their independence, as well as socializing with other people.

“The more present the family is, the better. But the elderly don’t have to be dependent on this, they have to have their network of friends, their groups. He also has to frequently and actively try not to be isolated”, commented the professional.

At 83 years old, retired Ivanilda Ferreira said that her routine is happy. She spends her days sewing, is part of a church group, spends time with elderly people and is always with her family, talking and having fun with them.

His daughters Erivalda and Edilene, and his great-grandchildren Kauã and Harthur are part of his daily life.

“It is very important to be with family and friends. Otherwise we get into a low mood, we feel lonely and isolated. We begin to think about old age, and the disease incarnate. I don’t even want to know about it! I try to live in the best way possible”, said Ivanilda, excited.

“Connection with family”

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Housewife Maria Lúcia Lima da Luz, 75 years old, said that she never feels lonely. She, who lives alone, constantly meets with her family. In total, she has four children and six grandchildren.

“After the connection with God, the most important thing is the family connection. I give a lot of importance to mine, and we are always together, whether at parties, meetings and in everyday life. I love talking and telling stories. My days are very happy,” said Maria.

In the elderly woman’s routine, her daughters Deykla Lima, 47, and Jéssika Lima, 49, and her granddaughter Agatha, aged 6, are always present.

Stay in


A study by psychologist John Cacioppo (University of Chicago, in the United States) found that the feeling of extreme loneliness can increase the chances of an older person dying prematurely by 14%.

According to the material, elderly people who stay away from social relationships have more problems with blood pressure, memory and cardiovascular complications.

What to do

According to geriatrician Luiz Gustavo Favoreto Genelhu, it is important for elderly people to be with their family and also seek to have their network of friends and be part of groups, whether at church, gym, squares or work.

It is also important for the elderly person to frequently and actively seek not to be isolated. As a family role, it is essential to encourage him to take part in other activities and have other bonds.

Special tip: combine physical activity with group participation.

Source: AT research and experts consulted.



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The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Social interaction helps elderly people live longer



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