what are Nubank’s new plans

what are Nubank’s new plans
what are Nubank’s new plans

What’s new from Nubank?

In addition to working capital, Nubank PJ is also launching three new tools: a desktop solution, Invoice Issuance and Shared Access.

With Browser Access, in addition to the mobile app, the desktop solution will allow customers to access Nubank PJ via their computer, facilitating tasks such as checking balances and issuing statements.

Invoice Issuance, currently in the testing phase, but which should be released in the coming weeks to all customers, will allow users to issue, store and manage invoices directly through Browser Access, on their computer.

Finally, the new Shared Access tool allows you to share your PJ account with other people who work in the business and assign these employees or partners to a profile related to each person’s responsibility.

The main objective is to distribute access to the account, avoiding the concentration of functions on a single user, such as the business owner.

It is worth remembering that the Nubank PJ portfolio, created at the end of 2019, also consists of: free digital account, credit card with feature for transferring limits between individuals and legal entities, Tap to Pay, payment link, billing slip, Tax Center, NuPay, investments, among other products.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Nubanks plans



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