Do you want to live in the United States? American city is selling houses for 1 dollar!

Do you want to live in the United States? American city is selling houses for 1 dollar!
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Baltimore, one of the oldest cities in the United States, is selling properties for just 1 dollar (or R$5.14) according to the USA Today newspaper.

The “Buy Into Bmore” operation aims to reduce local government spending on the maintenance of many properties that in recent years have become state properties, offering an unmissable discount to those who want to live there.

To be approved, the buyer must commit to maintaining the residence as their main residence or a community land trust, managing the address for the purposes of affordable housing, commercial space, civic building, among others – but always benefiting the community. Non-profit organizations can also purchase, but at a slightly higher cost.

Although the price is attractive, it is worth remembering that Baltimore is one of the cities with the highest crime rate in the USA, and that the houses available for a symbolic price are located in the most peripheral neighborhoods. The initiative also aims to improve the municipality’s socioeconomic problems.

The registration fee is US$100 (R$517), in addition to being required to prove a reserve of US$90,000 (R$465,000) for renovations. And registrations can be sent via the website. The proposals will be evaluated and, once approved, the properties will be delivered. If there is more than one person interested in the same house, the one who arrived first takes the place.

There are more than 15 thousand empty properties in Baltimore, 200 of which are at affordable prices. The city already had a similar program in the 70s, but this type of policy has been consolidating even in Europe, due to the rural exodus and low demographic density in interior cities.

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Tags: live United States American city selling houses dollar




