Israeli Ambassador shreds UN Charter in protest against Palestine; look

Israeli Ambassador shreds UN Charter in protest against Palestine; look
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Israeli Ambassador shreds UN Charter in vote on Palestine

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O Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, shredded a copy of the UN Charter on the podium of the General Assembly this Friday, 10th, as a form of protest against the vote on the resolution to make the Palestine member of the UN. The information is from Reuters.

“You are shredding the United Nations Charter with your own hands, you should be ashamed of yourself,” Erdan said as he tore up the document. “As long as many of you are ‘Jew-hating,’ you won’t really care that the Palestinians are not ‘peace-loving,'” he reiterated.

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, shredded a copy of the United Nations Charter on the podium of the General Assembly this Friday, the 10th.

Photo: Reuters


The assembly adopted the resolution with 143 votes in favor and just nine against – including the USA and Israel -, in addition to 25 abstentions.

The resolution does not grant Palestinians full membership in the UN, but recognizes them as qualified to participate in the body, determining that “the State of Palestine must therefore be admitted as a member”. Membership depends on the Security Council. Last month, the United States had already vetoed the proposal.

The Palestinian ambassador, Riyad Mansour, reiterated the Palestinian commitment to peace. “We want peace, we want freedom […] “A ‘yes’ vote is a vote in favor of Palestinian existence, it is not against any state. It is an investment in peace,” he told the assembly before the vote.


The Palestinian push for full membership in the UN comes seven months after the start of the war between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip and as Israel illegally expands, according to the UN, settlements in the West Bank.

Source: Redação Terra

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Israeli Ambassador shreds Charter protest Palestine




