Fake news is preventing adequate assistance in RS, says Lewandowski

Fake news is preventing adequate assistance in RS, says Lewandowski
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Minister authorized the sending of another 80 men from the National Force to the State. According to Lewandowski, the situation is “under control” in the region and there are, in total, more than a thousand members of federal forces today in the south — as well as buses, boats and five helicopters.

Lewandowski also commented on the complaint presented by the Attorney General’s Office on Thursday (9) regarding the Marielle case. According to him, the investigation carried out by the Federal Police was “robust”. “The Federal Police gathered a set of evidence that allowed the complaint to be filed,” he said.

Speeches were given in the late afternoon

The statements were made at a seminar on sustainability in Largo de São Francisco, in the center of São Paulo. The event was promoted by USP in partnership with the Atmos Institute, with the theme “A more sustainable future”. STF minister Alexandre de Moraes also participated.

“We need to transform the way we produce and consume products”, says a government representative. National secretary for urban environment and environmental quality at the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Adalberto Maluf defended “a dramatic ecological transformation”.

USP donated R$800,000 to Rio Grande do Sul after floods. According to Celso Campilongo, director of the USP Law School, water and other items were also sent. “Given the seriousness of the situation, the university did no more than its obligation,” said the professor.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Fake news preventing adequate assistance Lewandowski




