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Tradition and Faith: discover the oldest sacred art store in the center of Rio

In the heart of Center of Rioat Luís de Camões Street, 42, is located a store that carries almost half a century of history and devotion. Under the baton of Dona Leotinaa Portuguese woman who found her home in Rio almost 50 years ago, alongside her husband, the Mr. Casimirothe sacred items store remains firmly established as the oldest in operation in the Center.

The journey began unpretentiously in 1976, when the couple decided to open a type of printing business. To meet the growing demand for Catholic saints, given the number of churches in the surrounding area, the idea of ​​expanding the business and starting to sell religious items directly came up. “The idea came suddenly. I told my son to buy some shelves and start selling what they were looking for. And is not it worked?”, says Dona Leontina.

Mr. Casimiro and Dona Leontina – Photo: Victor Serra/Diário do Rio

Over the years, the store expanded its horizons and acquired another space in Passos Avenue, number 24, to serve the growing clientele. Dona Leontina attributes her success to her care and attention to customer requests, writing down every detail in a notebook to ensure everyone’s satisfaction. “I took a notebook and wrote down everything each client asked for.“, reveals.

A Zena Images and Sacred Arts became a reference in the city of Rio, being recognized for offering saints and religious items that are rare to find on the market. In an afternoon of relaxed conversation at the store’s counters, the owners share curious stories about their customers, who range from priests looking for specific saints to believers looking for objects of devotion. I asked the owner about the number of saints that were displayed around the store. She immediately declares: “I’ve already lost count. There are so many. My husband always liked to keep the stock fresh.”

Despite years of success, Dona Leontina recognizes that the current movement is far from what was recorded in past times, attributing the drop to the coronavirus crisis and the population’s change in behavior. However, she sees with hope the projects that seek to revitalize the center of Rio, such as the Revive Center Projectand reinforces its commitment to keeping tradition and faith alive through the store that has become an integral part of the region’s history.

Photo: Victor Serra/Diário do Rio

For more information, visit the store’s official Instagram @zenaartesacra.


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The article is in Portuguese


Tags: Tradition Faith discover oldest sacred art store center Rio

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