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MT in Foco – HONORS Special session honors personalities linked to entrepreneurship

The Legislative Assembly of the State of Mato Grosso held today (23), a solemn session to honor personalities of Mato Grosso’s entrepreneurship with applause. The initiative for the honors was from deputy Max Russi (PSB), who on the occasion also honored the Minister of Entrepreneurship, Microenterprise and Small Businesses, Márcio França, with the Marechal Cândido Rondon Commendation.

“I understand that these tributes are the recognition and appreciation of the people who help in the development of Mato Grosso, whether small, medium or large investors. These are the people who generate jobs in several municipalities in Mato Grosso”, revealed Max Russi. “We carried out a study targeting our traders in several cities. We brought these entrepreneurs to the Assembly who help the state to grow even more. The tribute to the minister is the affection he has for Mato Grosso, especially with works, and his special attention, for example, with the renovation of Marechal Rondon airport”, added Russi.

On this occasion, the minister highlighted that the honor means recognition of his entire history, which is focused on entrepreneurship, since the beginning when he lived in São Paulo.

“This recognition from the Legislative Assembly of the State of Mato Grosso is an honor. Our entire trajectory has a history of politics built in São Paulo, but this honor is a milestone in my life. These are people who came from São Paulo to Mato Grosso and became almost an economic extension of these two states, because many people are economically linked here and vice versa”, explained the minister.

Márcio França mentioned that Mato Grosso has a growth perspective considered great on the national scene. “The sector has almost 500 thousand entrepreneurs here [Mato Grosso]so, we will have to come back again and again to talk and adapt these people to each chosen field”, he guaranteed.

For businessman Denival Bitencourt, honored with Motion of Applause, the honor means his entire history linked to Mato Grosso.

“It represents exactly work that has been developed for a long time, and which is now being considered and respected. It has been since the time of the pandemic. The entrepreneurship sector suffered a lot, so this action by the Assembly is an incentive for commerce in general”, he said.

For the president of Business Professional Women (BPW), Rubia Ranzani, the importance of this recognition in the partnership with ALMT shows that the sector is on the right path.

“The company of the Legislative Branch is very important, because the Business Women’s Association has a mission and objective, which is empowerment in entrepreneurship. So, we seek this, working together with the Entrepreneurship Thematic Chamber with ideas aimed at the sector”, commented Rúbia. “It will really accelerate small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to find their space”, she adds.

The president of the ALMT Entrepreneurship Thematic Sector Chamber (CST), Cleber Ávila understands that this is a historic moment to hold the event focused on entrepreneurship in the state.

“It is a festive date for Mato Grosso, as we received a visit from the minister (Márcio França) of the sector. We had the privilege of visiting, representing CST, ten cities with more than 500 entrepreneurs in recent months. The seminar was to conclude the work of the Sector Chamber and the special session is to honor this recognition of businesspeople”, he commented.

According to the businessman in the custom furniture sector, Antônio Júnior, the Assembly’s recognition is for the day-to-day work of each of the honorees.

“For me, it is a great gratitude to receive this honor. I believe that nothing in life is achieved without effort, I am taking another step forward in my profession”, he explains.

Check out those honored with Motion of Applause:

Adam Benedito da Silva

Adriana Machado da Silva

Aldeni Jesus Silva

Alfredo Nunes Neto

Aluízio José Bassani

Ana Clara Felipe

Ana Paula Rodrigues de Moraes Santos

André Luiz Texeira

André Machado

Andreia Aparecida Lima Carapiá

Antonio Marcos Meurer

Astelia Rocha de Souza

Benildo Valério de Farias

Bruno Mangraviti

Claudeir Montes de Novais

Claudiney Borges Rolim

Cleberson Mendes da Silva

Cleide Anters Lima Franco

Cleidiane Ferreira Gaudêncio Griep

Clezio Dalmo Ferreira

Clodoaldo Aparecido Cesconetto

Cristiano Silva Dasmaceno

Cristina Ferri

Daniel de Jesus Rodrigues

Daniel Renostro Rosa

Danieli França Albuquerque

Denílson Germano do Amaral

Denival Bitencourt Reinaldo

Derivaldo de Jesus Brito

Divine Antônio da Silva Junior

Edmilson Pinho de Sá

Elisangela Dalmolin do Amaral

Elizangela Aparecida Weirich Catharino

Elzo Rodrigues Garcia

Emerson de Queiros Mariano

Fabiane Boret de Matos

Fernando Francisco

Flavia Maximino dos Santos

Francisbel Ruiz Paulino

Gabriel Murilo de Sousa Arruda

Genir Martelli

Gerson Ferreira de Alencar

Givaldo Dias Campos

Hangel Eduarda Cerlei Pereira

Ildisneya Velasco

Izabele Monforte

James Gonçalves

Janaina Rosa Roder

Joan of Arc by Placido

Jocélia Ferreira da Silva

Jocelino Soares Godoi

Joel Natan da Costa Pereira

José Romanzzini

Josiel Moiseis Plens Pereir

Josieli Carvalho da Silva

Junior Schleicher

Jurema Lara Pinto Corrêa

Kelly Cristina de Vasconcellos Moura Teixeira

Laydjanny Pires da Silva Dias

Leandro Aguirre Hendges

Leonardo Santana Sampaio

Libny Vitória de Amoriom Paixão

Luciana Franco dos Santos

Luciano de Oliveira Nunes

Luis Geraldo Gomes da Silva

Luiz Guilherme Batista Bergamin

Luiza Gomes da Costa Moraes

Marcelo Craic

Marcelo Eilert de Souza

Marcos Vinicius da Silva Dias

Marcus Vinicius Martins Moura

Marilene de Godoi

Melissa Cristina Carvalho Bisco

Miriam Mattioni

Monique Bianca Lepper Sottomaior de Oliveira

Naudi Rohr

Neide Alves dos Santos

Ney da Silva Filho

Patrícia Moreli de Almeida

Patricio Antônio Ferreira

Paulo Arthur Terra de Moura Filho

Paulo Sérgio Franz

Pedro Henrique de Souza Rodrigues

Rafael Antonio Bonatti

Rafael Silveira Vieira da Silva

Ricardo Fernandes de Paiva

Rodrigo Ferreira Valverde Matos

Rogério Vicente da Cruz

Rosane Maria Orth Argenta

Rubia Delizandra Ranzani Tesch de Oliveira

Silvio Antônio Gobbi

Silvio José Sommavilla

Thais Andrade Gama

Thiago Chaves de Andrade

Thiene Coelho Costa

Tiago Tonello

Wagner Galeano Paim

Wellington Willem Nogueira Souto

Wilson de Barros Gomes

Wilson Lázaro de Rezende

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Tags: Foco HONORS Special session honors personalities linked entrepreneurship

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