Solutions for debtors: how to renegotiate debts with discounts through Serasa

Solutions for debtors: how to renegotiate debts with discounts through Serasa
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The initiative “Serasa Limpa Name” continues to be a crucial tool for indebted Brazilians seeking financial relief. The program offers the opportunity to renegotiate debts with significant discounts, which can reach up to 96% of the total due. In this guide, we will explain how you can benefit from these facilities and which companies are involved in this action that aims to restore consumers’ financial health.

What is Serasa Limpa Name?

O Serasa Limpa Name is an initiative that allows consumers to renegotiate their outstanding debts online, directly through the Serasa portal. Negotiation can be carried out for both lump sum and installment payments, offering flexibility for the debtor to adjust payments according to their current financial capacity.

How to renegotiate your debts through Serasa?

  1. Serasa app: Available for Android and iOS devices, can be downloaded through the Play Store or App Store.
  2. Serasa Official WhatsApp: Start a renegotiation by sending a message to (11) 99575-2096.
  3. In-person service at the Post Office: For those who prefer or need to negotiate in person, there are more than 6 thousand agencies available throughout Brazil.

In addition to renegotiating debts, using the Serasa app, consumers have the option of issuing duplicate bills and monitoring the progress of established agreements.

Which companies participate in the program?

  • Nubank
  • Bank of Brazil
  • Clear
  • Neoenergia
  • Enel
  • Light
  • Nature
  • Avon
  • Free market
  • Havana

Desenrola Brasil: a crucial partnership

One of the new features of the program this year is the partnership “Unroll Brazil“, which extended its validity until May 20th. This collaboration adds even more companies to the list of participants and facilitates debt negotiation conditions.

Important tips for debt renegotiation

  • Before entering into any agreement, assess your financial capacity to ensure the new payment terms are sustainable.
  • Consider all the options offered by different companies before making a decision. Compare discounts and payment terms.
  • Keep records of all communications and agreement confirmations to avoid future misunderstandings.

Join Serasa Limpa Name It can be an excellent way to regain your financial health and start rebuilding your credit. Take advantage of the resources available and make informed choices to clear your name and improve your financial quality of life.


Debt renegotiation may seem like an intimidating process, but programs like Serasa Limpa Name are designed to help consumers tackle their finances in a more affordable way. Take advantage of this opportunity to free yourself from debt and regain control of your financial life with confidence and security.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Solutions debtors renegotiate debts discounts Serasa




