Alleged Martha accuses creator of being obsessed with her

Alleged Martha accuses creator of being obsessed with her
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After revealing his identity for the first time in an interview with The Daily Record, Harvey offered more details of his alleged relationship with Gadd. She says she only met him “two or three times”, a number that changed to “five, six times” towards the end of the interview.

Presenter showed the face of the woman he says is Martha’s inspiration in ‘Baby Rena’ Image: Reproduction/ X Twitter

Harvey claims Gadd didn’t buy her a cup of tea the day they met. “No one gets anything for free at The Holy Arms,” ​​she says, referring to the pub where they supposedly met, and claims that Gadd “commanded the conversation” she was having with someone else at the bar. “He seemed obsessed with me from that moment on.”

When asked about the number of emails, messages and letters sent to Gadd, Havery admits to having sent “some playful emails”. She denies leaving voice messages on the series creator’s answering machine. It is worth mentioning that the woman has already been accused of stalking in the past.

Finally, she assumes that the name “Baby Reindeer” came from a toy she had as a child.. During the interview, Fiona Harvey says she recognized herself in the series when she knew what the title was, and not because of Martha’s behavior.

“Baby Rena” is already a huge success on the platform. Donny Dunn’s story is considered disturbing, as it involves persecution and abuse, but the feeling is made worse because it is the real story of the series’ protagonist and creator, Richard Gadd.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Alleged Martha accuses creator obsessed




