Sandra passes the brothel to an enlightened person in Renascer

Sandra passes the brothel to an enlightened person in Renascer
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Sandra (Giullia Buscacio) discovers that she is pregnant in the next chapters of Renascer. After breaking the big news to João Pedro (Juan Paiva), the young lady hands the brothel into the hands of an enlightened person: Mistress Boss (Camila Morgado), her own mother.

Unexpectedly, the housewife becomes the new mistress of the ladies’ house. After abandoning Egidio (Vladimir Brichta), the fighter decides to change her life completely and goes to live next to her daughter.

Not at all submissive and without depending on her husband, Dona Patroa becomes Iolanda and takes over the place. Furthermore, it is closer to Rachid (Almir Sater), who soon falls in love with the beautiful woman.

In addition to Yolanda, Joana (Alice Carvalho) and Tião (Irandhir Santos) also move to the brothel, while Sandra is proposed to and moves in with her fiancé.

Sandra (Giullia Buscacio), Egídio (Vladimir Brichta) and Dona Patroa (Camila Morgado) in Renascer

Upon opening her eyes, Dona Patroa decides to open a case against Egídio to take half of the colonel’s assets. She counts on the help of José Bento (Marcello Melo Jr), but the lawyer shows incompetence and makes the housewife lose the case.



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