Hulk receives visit from famous singer < No Attack

Hulk, from Atlético
(photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

Atlético striker Hulk received a visit from singer Pablo do Arrocha, this Thursday (9/5). Owner of big hits, the musician was at shirt 7’s house, in Lagoa Santa, and posed next to the star in a photo shared on social media.

On Instagram, Hulk posted a photo alongside his friend Pablo. In the publication, the singer appears with a signed Atlético shirt.

“It’s great to welcome you here at home, brother”, wrote the Galo striker.

singer Pablo

Pablo do Arrocha took over the national charts in 2015, when he released the song “Cause a man doesn’t cry”. The ‘suffering’ exploded on the radio and the singer took over TV shows and reached impressive milestones.

At the YouTube, there are almost 30 million views of the official music video for the song. The hit generated the production of parodies and even female versions of the song.

Furthermore, he was one of the big names who disseminated the “arrocha” genre, which emerged in the city of Candeias, in Bahia, where Pablo was born. The arrocha is known for its romantic and cheesy beat, like the old bolero.

The article is in Portuguese

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