Bruno Mars in Rio: see questions and answers about the cancellation of the star’s shows | Rio de Janeiro

Bruno Mars in Rio: see questions and answers about the cancellation of the star’s shows | Rio de Janeiro
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1 of 2 Bruno Mars’ tour has 6 confirmed shows in October this year. — Photo: Disclosure
Bruno Mars’ tour has 6 confirmed shows in October this year. — Photo: Disclosure

With a tour of Brazil scheduled for the month of October, Bruno Mars’ visit included several presentations in three cities: Brasília, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The Rio performances, scheduled for the 4th and 5th of October, were cancelled, which left doubts among fans who had already purchased tickets.

According to consumer protection agencies and a lawyer interviewed by g1, consumers who purchased tickets before cancellation are entitled to a refund.

See below questions and answers about the cancellation of Bruno Mars’ show in Rio:

Was the Bruno Mars show cancelled?

What is the relationship between the Bruno Mars show and the 2024 municipal elections?

According to the city hall, the decision to cancel the show is related to the need to mobilize employees, especially the police forces and the Municipal Guard, during the electoral process. The municipal administration considers it unfeasible to hold a large event in the city on the eve of the elections, due to the demand from these public agents.

In a note, the Regional Electoral Court of Rio de Janeiro supported and thanked Rio City Hall for the decision.

“The action begins well before voting day and involves the protection of poles and distribution centers, escort and the logistics of delivering the devices. In addition to the fundamental safety of voters and candidates. It is necessary to remember that the electoral period takes place under the validity of specific rules, which require the participation of security forces to prevent and combat various illicit acts, in addition to those of an electoral nature”, says the note.

Where would the shows on October 4th and 5th in Rio take place?

At the Nilton Santos Stadium, in the Engenho de Dentro neighborhood, North Zone of the city.

There is still no prediction of a new date for the Bruno Mars show in Rio de Janeiro. The production company Live Nation Brasil, responsible for the presentations, states that it will release information soon. In an enigmatic tone, Mayor Eduardo Paes posted this Thursday the phrase “Habemos Bruno Mars”.

2 of 2 Note issued by organizer Live Nation Brasil — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks
Note issued by organizer Live Nation Brasil — Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Which shows outside of RJ are confirmed?

  • October 8: São Paulo (sold out)
  • October 9: São Paulo (sold out)
  • October 12th: São Paulo (new date)
  • October 13th: São Paulo (new date)
  • October 17th: Brasília (sold out)
  • October 18: Brasília (new date)

Are tickets still being sold?

Can anyone who bought a ticket get their money back?

Yes. According to lawyer specializing in Consumer Law and professor Carlos Eduardo Guerra de Moraes, the company responsible for the sale must reimburse all money invested in the ticket, including the convenience fee or costs related to the purchase, such as travel to the ticket point. sale. “The responsibility for proving these damages lies with the consumer”, he warns.

According to the President of Procon-RJ, Cássio Coelho, articles 20 and 35 of the Consumer Protection Code oblige the company responsible for the sale to offer the option of full reimbursement of the amount paid, grant a credit for use in another event or the ticket on new dates if the show is rescheduled. The choice will be up to the consumer.

If the show is rescheduled to a date I cannot be there, am I entitled to a refund?

Yes, any date change cannot be imposed on the consumer. The show organization or the company responsible for sales will have to reimburse the buyer if he cannot attend the show, according to the lawyer.

The buyer must contact the company responsible for selling the tickets and request a refund. If there is a delay or refusal, the consumer can contact Consumer Protection bodies, such as Procon or the Alerj Consumer Protection Commission. If the money is still not returned, legal action may be taken to recover the ticket costs.

“If there is no refund, the consumer may take legal action. He can go to the Special Civil Court, also known as ‘small claims’. It’s free and needs to be the consumer’s home,” explains Moraes.

Consumers who wish to make a report or complaint have the option of accessing the service channels available on the official Procon website or WhatsApp for complaints: (21)98104-5445.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Bruno Mars Rio questions answers cancellation stars shows Rio Janeiro




