MT invests more than R$1 billion to pave 123 municipalities

MT invests more than R$1 billion to pave 123 municipalities
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The Government of Mato Grosso has already signed agreements with 123 municipalities to carry out asphalting works within the cities. The amount transferred through the State Secretariat for Infrastructure and Logistics is R$920 million, a value that reaches R$1.09 billion with the sum of the counterpart from the municipalities.

To date, 122 of the 304 agreements signed by Sinfra-MT have already been concluded. The others have works in progress or are in the bidding process by the responsible city halls.

Through agreements, Sinfra-MT transfers resources to city halls to carry out the works. City halls are also responsible for preparing projects and requesting partnerships to carry out the works. Agreements are only signed after approval and with the guarantee that there are financial resources to be transferred.

During an agreement signing event at Palácio Paiaguás, governor Mauro Mendes spoke of the importance of the State helping municipalities. “It is within cities that citizens’ main problems lie. So, today the State is able to help the municipalities, because this improves people’s lives and also improves Mato Grosso,” he said.

According to the governor, the Government’s goal is that, with these agreements, 80% of municipalities in Mato Grosso will have 100% of their streets paved by 2026.

This is the case of Torixoréu, which signed two agreements with the State, totaling R$7 million in transfers.

“It’s an agreement that will change the history of Torixoréu. Without a doubt, it is the biggest agreement that has ever been signed by the municipality, we will be able to pave 100% of our city”, said Mayor Thiago Timo.

Another municipality that is on its way to being completely paved is Guarantã do Norte, with which the Government signed an agreement to transfer R$5.35 million.

“The municipality will provide the entire structure, asphalt plant, trucks, machinery. We are going to apply this to the population, bringing quality of life, appreciation of each property, of each resident of the municipality of Guarantã. For us, it really is a turning point. We went from covering 30% to covering 100%”, stated Mayor Érico Gonçalves.

Sinfra-MT does not enter into partnerships just to pave city streets. There are also agreements for roads in rural areas, sanitation, construction and renovations of public buildings and public equipment, such as squares and sports courts, for example.

According to data published in the State Agreement System, since 2019, 1,054 agreements have been signed, representing an investment of more than R$4 billion in municipalities. As a means of comparison, in the previous six years, 135 agreements were signed, totaling R$496 million.

“This is a Government that meets the wishes of the population. It is in the municipalities that we have the problems, it is there that the population feels the lack of sanitation, the lack of asphalt, public lighting”, said the Secretary of Infrastructure, Marcelo de Oliveira. “So this is a municipal government, which works for the municipalities too”, he concluded.

(With consultancy)

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: invests billion pave municipalities




