Video: buses are attacked after PM operation in Madureira | Rio de Janeiro

Video: buses are attacked after PM operation in Madureira | Rio de Janeiro
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Bus is used as a barricade in retaliation for the PM operation – Reproduction/Social media

Bus is used as a barricade in reprisal for PM operation Reproduction/Social media

Published 05/10/2024 17:34

Rio – Three buses were targets of attacks and used as barricades in Madureira, in the North Zone, this Friday morning (10). The depredations, according to the Military Police, came from motorcycle taxi drivers in retaliation for an operation by the 9th BPM (Rocha Miranda) in the communities of Faz Quem Quer, Congonhas, Cajueiro and Jorge Turco. Two suspects died and a man, believed to be part of drug trafficking in the region, was arrested in the action.

In a video circulating on social media, it is possible to see a bus closing one of the roads in the region. A huge traffic jam formed due to the situation.

See the video:

Viação Vera Cruz reported that two buses on lines 561 and 562 were intercepted and used to block a public road, late this Friday morning (10), in Madureira. For safety reasons, lines 560, 561, 562, 568 and 569 had their routes temporarily changed. Rio Ônibus reported that a Viação Três Amigos bus, on line 685 (Irajá x Méier), was also hijacked and used as a barricade in Madureira. During the actions to free up the region’s roads, four men were taken to the 29th DP (Madureira), where the incidents were recorded.

Due to the demonstration, held at the Vila Queiroz BRT station, lines 42 (Madureira/Manaceia x Galeão – Parador) and 46 (Penha x Terminal Alvorada – Expresso) were temporarily interrupted for around two hours. At 5pm the service had already returned to normal. “The stations that were closed (from Vicente de Carvalho station to Manaceia station), on Transcarioca, have already been reopened, the lines that had been interrupted have returned to circulate in the corridor and the intervals are in the process of being normalized”, informed Mobi- River.

Operation against criminals linked to CV

According to the command of the 9th BPM, the action aimed to curb the attempt at territorial expansion by criminals linked to the Red Command (CV). During the operation, the agents were shot at by a group of armed men in the community of Congonha, in Vaz Lobo. There was an exchange of gunfire and shortly after the shooting ended, agents arrested a man suspected of being part of drug trafficking in the region.

In the action, the agents helped two other injured suspects to the Carlos Chagas State Hospital, in Marechal Hermes. However, they did not survive their injuries and died shortly after being admitted to the unit. In the same confrontation, a military police officer was injured by a gunshot to the leg. He was taken to Getúlio Vargas State Hospital, where he was treated by the unit’s medical team and has already been discharged.

In total, three rifles, two 9mm pistols, a submachine gun, and a large quantity of drugs were seized. “After the end of the actions inside the town, a group of motorcycle taxi drivers tried to obstruct roads in the neighborhoods of Madureira and Vaz Lobo, in retaliation for the actions of the 9th BPM”, stated the PM.

Policing was reinforced in the region with the support of agents from the Special Battalion of Rondas and Crowds (RECOM) and the Shock Police Battalion (BPChq). During the actions to free up the region’s roads, four men were taken to the 29th DP (Madureira), where the incidents were recorded.

Rio Ônibus repudiates attacks

Through a note, Rio Ônibus repudiated the attacks and reported that in the last 12 months there were 147 incidents, in the municipality of Rio alone. “Rio Ônibus further repudiates this episode of violence and reinforces its request to the Public Authorities to guarantee security and the citizen’s right to come and go in Rio de Janeiro”, he said.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: Video buses attacked operation Madureira Rio Janeiro




