MPAC and other institutions discuss measures against flying kites with sharp lines in inappropriate locations


The Public Ministry of the State of Acre (MPAC), through the Specialized Public Prosecutor’s Office for the Protection of the Diffuse Right to Public Security, participated in a meeting this Thursday (09), at the Legislative Assembly of Acre (Aleac), to discuss measures to monitor the trade and use of cerol, Chilean thread and similar products in the flying of kites in Rio Branco.

The meeting, led by prosecutor Rodrigo Curti and state deputy Fagner Calegário, also included the participation of representatives from the Specialized Consumer Protection Prosecutor’s Office, Acre Consumer Defense and Protection Institute (Procon/AC), Municipal Superintendence of Transport and Traffic (RBTrans), Traffic Police Battalion (BPTran), 3rd Military Police Battalion, State Department of Traffic (Detran), Fire Department and Acre Piping Association.

Rodrigo Curti highlighted the importance of the participation of various institutions in building solutions to the problem. The prosecutor highlighted MPAC’s fear regarding the indiscriminate use of cutting lines, which could put people’s physical integrity at risk, cause damage to property, in addition to causing environmental damage and disrupting public order.

The promoter also highlighted the need to define suitable locations for practicing the sport with previously accredited practitioners and associations, recognizing the importance of kite flying as a leisure activity, but advocating that this be done in a safe and responsible way.

“MPAC is not interested in preventing the legal activity of flying and selling kites, but rather in ensuring the safety of the population”, he emphasized.

The president of Procon/AC, Alana Albuquerque, who presented a legal opinion on the topic, reinforced the importance of regulation as a way of establishing clear parameters for the practice of the activity.

“Federal legislation is moving towards prohibiting the sale of cerol for flying kites on public roads, but for sporting purposes, with strict rules, there may be flexibility”, he explained.

State deputy Fagner Calegário presented the idea of ​​proposing a new law, which would improve existing legislation and bring greater effectiveness to inspection at the state level, based on Bill 402/11, recently approved by the Chamber of Deputies and currently being processed in the Senate. Federal.

The project, which will be sent to meeting participants by Saturday for analysis and suggestions, should be filed with Aleac next week. The objective is to anticipate the approval of federal legislation on the subject, aiming to implement measures in a timely manner to avoid accidents during school holidays.

“We want to build a multi-handed model, with the participation of everyone involved, seeking solutions that bring security to users and help monitor the fight against the misuse of cerol”, stated Calegário.

The article is in Portuguese

Tags: MPAC institutions discuss measures flying kites sharp lines inappropriate locations




